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HomeBreaking News"Neither I nor they wanted to do anything illegal"

“Neither I nor they wanted to do anything illegal”

The tax advisor Fernando Peñawho was a partner in the defunct law firm Nummaria, defended the actions of two of his most famous clients: the actors Imanol Arias and Ana Duato“Neither I nor they had any intention of doing anything illegal,” he said on Wednesday from the bench of the National Court.

However, the prosecution is directing its accusation against Peña and the two interpreters. Arias, however, has already reached an agreement with the public prosecutor, which prevents him from going to prison for tax crimes.

His filming partner in Tell me how it happened —his wife in fiction— however refused to do so and defends her innocence, despite the fact that the public prosecutor is asking for more than 30 years in prison for her.

In fact, Fernando Peña recalled this Wednesday, before the court of the second section of the criminal chamber, that before the police search against the office of Nummaria, Ana Duato settled a debt he owed to the tax authorities.

“I told her we would win in court,” Peña said of the actress’s situation.[Duato] He came in, I appealed and they agreed with us in the TEAR [Tribunal Económico-Administrativo Regional] from Madrid,” recalled the tax advisor, who only answered questions from his lawyer, Antonio Camacho (also lawyer of Pedro Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez).

In response to questions from his lawyer, he rightly considered it “impossible” for the Administration to initiate criminal proceedings against a taxpayer “when he has paid” his compensation.

Peña also indicated that, in his opinion, the same victory in TEAR would have been viable in the case of Imanol Arias. “N“I and they never intended to do anything illegal,” the accused stressed. The prosecution does not believe it, which, in addition to asking for more than three decades in prison for Duato for crimes against the Public Treasury, is asking for 298 years in prison for Peña as a partner in the firm, specialized in tax matters.

Ana Duato, last June, after testifying on the “Nummaria case”.


The call Nummaria case is now facing its end. The court, at the beginning of the hearing this Wednesday, designated October 23, 28, 29 and 30 for the continuation of the statements of the accused and for the reading of the final reports, date on which it will be discovered whether the prosecutor Tomás Herranz reduce all your requestswhich is very likely.

Regarding his work within the company, Peña indicated that he was primarily dedicated to “coordination.” “I did not particularly follow the day of consulting activities. I had two, three or four files, which were the ones that absorbed me,” he said.

He also said that Duato and Arias did indeed have access to a company vehicle abroad that Nummaria offered to all clients “with international activity”. The two actors were, however, an exception. Peña stressed, however, that, in his opinion, “European legislation is much more stable”.

Now, the accused has indicated that all this action was governed by respect for the law and described the rest of the members of Nummaria as “magnificent professionals”. His statement, on alleged irregularities during the police searches in the offices, has aroused a fight between his lawyer, Camacho, and the prosecutor in the case.




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