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HomeBreaking NewsHow much funding will be allocated to the social sector next year?

How much funding will be allocated to the social sector next year?

“The Ministry of Finance has issued a statement on the initial indicators of the state and general budgets for 2025. The initial document indicated the main indicators of the state and general budgets for the coming year. Of course, one of the most notable points is the funds allocated for social management next year and the possibilities of expanding the social package.”

Oku.Az According to Vugar Bayramov, a member of the Milli Majlis Committee on Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship, he wrote this on his social media account.

“According to the document, it is expected that the expenditures for social protection and social security in the next state budget will amount to 4.998 billion manats. In 2024, 4.391 billion manats will be allocated to this direction. Thus, the next social plan expenditures will increase by 14.0 percent.

Although the initial document does not mention the structure of social protection and social security expenditures, it should be added that the bulk of funds for the social sector are channeled through the State Fund for Social Protection. In other words, more funds are allocated to the social sphere than are provided for in the above-mentioned budget item,” said V. Bayramov.

It should be noted that in 2025, state budget expenditures are projected to amount to 39 billion 667 million manats. Of this amount, 24 billion 957 million manats or 63.0 percent will be allocated to current expenditures, 12 billion 310 million manats or 31.0 percent to capital expenditures, 2 billion 399 million manats or 6.0 percent to expenditures related to debt servicing and state obligations.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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