Friday, September 20, 2024 - 5:09 pm
HomeBreaking NewsManá supports the rights of all Latinos, except the right to think...

Maná supports the rights of all Latinos, except the right to think differently from them.

The thing about social media is that when you feel the need to become the international hero of a cause, you can do it.

The last to take advantage of this juicy temptation was the Mexican group Mannawho published on Instagram his decision to withdraw his collaboration with all digital platforms Nicky Jam on the subject From head to toe.

The text was accompanied by an image with the slogan Maná does not work with racists.

Nicky Jam’s Sin Supported Donald Trump in his candidacy for the presidency of the United States.

What an obsession with purity, with distancing ourselves from the dissident and pointing him out, with making very clear the line that separates us from the other who has committed the crime of expressing an opinion that we do not like!

This infantilized society fuels the fashion that artists must be the civics teachers of a lost flock that needs to be guided towards the light. Maná is here to fulfill his role and say: “We are not all Nicky Jam.”

It’s truly astonishing to think that the possibility of the whole world laughing at your opinion may not have even crossed their minds for a moment.

What arrogance is hidden that not only feels entitled to mark the heretic of political correctness with a cross, but that it is his duty to do so! Moreover, if you are in a position to apply a social sanction, it is up to you to carry out this task.

What intellectual laziness lies behind the idea that Taylor Swift He is an icon to support Kamala Harris and Nicky Jam is a dangerous racist for supporting Trump!

Believing that freedom of expression is a good is not just admitting that others can say something with which I do not agree, but also to renounce excluding it from public debate. If only because tomorrow I might be guillotined myself.

It is very dangerous to continually feed the culture that there are certain values ​​that one must adhere to if one does not want to be labeled a traitor, a plague victim who must be reeducated or exiled.

We must convince ourselves that it is better to live in a society in which freedom of expression is more valued than the obsession with protecting politically correct ideas, the ability to maintain one’s own awareness without needing to regard the other as an enemy.

This commitment would be a vaccine that would free us from the temptation to want to annihilate everything that we do not like without having understood it beforehand, and from the temptation to want to decontaminate the world of impure people who do not agree with the dominant doctrine.

Or, at least, the temptation to get a few minutes of fame on social media.

The band claims that “for the past thirty years, Maná has supported and defended the rights of Latinos around the world.” Nicky Jam is Puerto Rican. Maná must defend all the rights of Latinos, less to support who they want in politics.

Anyway, I don’t know what Donald Trump’s electoral career will be. But yes From head to toe This will probably be Maná’s most listened to song during a season.




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