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HomeEntertainment NewsBuffer zones to be established around abortion clinics in England and Wales

Buffer zones to be established around abortion clinics in England and Wales

Protective perimeters will be set up around English and Welsh abortion clinics to keep out opponents and ensure women are not harassed, the British government announced on Wednesday 18 September. These “buffer zones”which will be created from 31 October, will extend up to 150 metres around clinics in England and Wales. It will be illegal “do anything that might influence the decision” women who resort to abortion and “harass” people visiting the clinics.

“The safety and well-being of women seeking abortion services is our priority”explained Secretary of State for Women’s Health and Mental Health, Gillian Joanna Merron, quoted in a press release. “No woman should feel scared or threatened when accessing these services, and it is only fair that she is protected from any abuse or harassment.”he added.

In February, a Christian preacher was convicted for protesting near an abortion clinic in west London. The 72-year-old held up a sign with a psalm from the Bible. The court found him guilty, ordered him to be placed under 12-month supervision and ordered him to pay £2,426 (€2,880) in court costs.

New Offense

The preacher had protested in a buffer zone (the first of its kind) created by the city council. After his conviction, pro-choice advocates called for national legislation to create buffer zones.

The law was due to be passed in 2023, but its implementation was delayed during the Conservative government due to debates around silent prayers. Anti-abortion groups had said the ban on such prayers posed a threat to freedom of expression and religious belief.

The Crown Prosecution Service is expected to shortly detail what will be allowed and prohibited in the buffer zones, in order to “Ensure clarity and consistency in the application of the new offence”According to the Ministry of the Interior, violators will be subject to a fine.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. “On Abortion,” a clinical immersion into the horror of clandestine abortions

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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