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HomeLatest NewsAitana's Spotify profile hacked with Ranchera songs: best memes

Aitana’s Spotify profile hacked with Ranchera songs: best memes

Aïtana was the victim of a cyber hack. The 25-year-old artist went viral on social media because your Spotify accounta musical platform where she makes all her musical content available to her audience, has been modified. Apparently, in the list of Popular Titles of the artist, and between albums like Alpha And 11 reasonsa new musical project has emerged. This move has aroused much suspicion among fans, since the singer has not communicated anything about a next album. In addition, he has never made the leap to the ranchera genre. For this reason, and after seeing that they had released an album under the title of Nights of Hohémiesocial media started burning.

At first, this album was already starting to cause some concern among Aitana fans. Well, everything indicated that the account had been hacked. But the suspicions were confirmed when, after listening to the musical content of the supposed new album, The audience discovered that some songs were even performed by a male voice. In addition, the singles work on melodies and genres that the young woman has never shown wanting to try. Likewise, it should be noted that this movement was very well measured by the deceased. Well, on topics like Lady in redone of the most romantic, It is possible to hear a female voice that distantly resembles that of the former candidate of Operation Triumph.

Aitana goes viral on social media.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be behind this project. That’s why users have taken to social media to inform Aitana and her team about this event. Of course, so far, The Catalan has not commented on the matter.. On the contrary, she published a video, with a dissatisfied face, in which she clarifies that these are not easy days for her.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned, I hope everything happens for a reason, these days are regular (I’m not going to lie to you) but despite that I’m at my best, creating and composing, doing my best to give you the best of me because you’ve always been by my side, in the good times but especially in the bad,” he comments before talking about new music.

“Sunday (September 22) It’s Alpha’s birthday and I have a little surprise which I think you will like… something you can always carry with you. It wasn’t all going to be bad news :)”, he concludes. Of course, even though she didn’t mention her Spotify account being hacked, social media users did.

Social networks react

In the age of social media, sometimes there is no better way to communicate than with a meme. For this reason, and as with everything in life, many users have not hesitated to take advantage of the moment and comment on what happened to Aitana with humor. We review the best memes from the artist’s Spotify hack.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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