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HomeLatest NewsMarlaska has been housing the civil guards of the Cordoba prison in...

Marlaska has been housing the civil guards of the Cordoba prison in construction site cabins for five months

THE precarious conditions in which the police work Civil Guard destined in the Cordoba Prison they continue for more than five months. The civil guards assigned to the penitentiary center of Cordoba are forced to change, rest and eat in construction site barracks that, during the summer, have reached interior temperatures of more than 40 degrees. In addition, the complaints that the civil guards raise to the rank of director of the penitentiary centerdepending on Ministry of the Interior of Fernando Grande-Marlaskathey always remain no answer.

Stand where the civil guards of the Cordoba prison work.

Rafael Sanchez, from the United Association of Civil Guards (AUGC)explained to OKDIARIO Andalusia that these agents “are tired of having to use the construction site cabins as changing rooms and for meals. They work in 12-hour shifts, they have been like this for more than five months and they still do not know when they will be able to use less precarious facilities.

“It is understandable that civil guards of this unit believe that the management of the penitentiary center shows signs of inefficiency and apathy in everything that concerns them. “Now, in terms of works, but before also with the supply of furniture, the repair of breakdowns, the elimination of infestations of rats, cockroaches or snakes …”, says the AUGC Spokespersonwho recalls that “a month and a half ago, from the AUGC, we wrote to the director of the penitentiary center, proposing some modifications to the reforms to avoid hygiene problems and of occupational health risks of the Civil Guard, but he did not answer us and did not even acknowledge receipt. In our opinion, this shows a deep contempt for civil guards and their working conditions.

Stand where the civil guards of the Cordoba prison work.

The Forgotten of Prison

Two years ago, the United Association of Civil Guards reported that Penitentiary institutions had invested almost six million euros in the reforms carried out in the Cordoba Penitentiary Centerand yet did not take advantage of the opportunity to expand the offices where the Civil Guardespecially the changing rooms, which for many years have been insufficient for existing staff, to the point that the lockers allocated to the agents do not fit.

Place where the civil guards of the Cordoba prison work.

After those noticeFinally, this year, work has been undertaken in the penitentiary facilities assigned to said body, but once again the management of the penitentiary center once again shows signs of inefficiency or laziness with regard to the civil guards, as has already happened before in other aspects such as the provision of furniture, the repair of breakdowns, the elimination of infestations of cockroaches, rats and snakes, and even its exclusion from preventive screening due to the great epidemic of COVID 19 which happened in the center.

When the reforms were carried out in the premises used by civil servants Penitentiary institutions They were not required to use construction cabins, as is the case today for construction personnel. Civil Guardwho has had to use these precarious facilities as changing rooms and for meals since April, working in twelve-hour shifts. Furthermore, the false ceiling in offices and control roompreventing these dependencies from being air-condition properlytaking into account the malfunction of the installed devices and the high temperatures reached in August.

Bathroom of the civil guards of the prison of Cordoba.

The work in progress, awarded to a company from Andújar for an amount of 273,484 euros, had a completion period of four monthswhich obviously was not achieved and had to be extended, but the workers of the said company left several weeks ago and since then the reforms have been paralyzed.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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