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“He is incapable of achieving what he demands of others.”

He PP of Majorca joins Vox and demands the resignation of Jaume Alzamorathe Balearic independence leader who supported the Consell to pay for three parking spaces in the heart of Palma for his personal use. The deputy spokesman of the popular in the island institution, Bernat Valloriconsiders that the leader of Més per Mallorca should leave his post since he is “unable to meet what he demands of others“.

And as OKDIARIO announced, the separatist politician sold his house in Artà to a German woman for 650,000 euros, at the same time defends the ban on the sale of real estate in the Balearic Islands to foreign citizens. To this must be added that Alzamora is also building a villa with a swimming pool in the town that has banned them due to lack of water, while she also advocates banning the construction of new private swimming pools in Mallorca.

“They preach what they don’t believe. Alzamora cannot be the spokesperson for a political party that asks and demands from the Majorcans things that they themselves do not fulfill“For his voters, this must be very disappointing,” said Vallori, who told OKDIARIO that at the next plenary session of the Consell, this Thursday, they will demand his resignation.for consistency“.

“Alzamora He has lost the credibility necessary to continue to defend his party’s program.“He should therefore resign,” said the deputy spokesman of the PP in the Consell of Mallorca, who advised the leader of Més to “run in the next elections with the slogan do as i say, not as i do either vote directly for another political party“.

Voice It was the first party in the Consell de Mallorca to demand the resignation of Jaume Alzamora due to recent information that calls into question his political coherence. The spokesperson for this formation in this island institution, Toni Gilicalled the leader of the Més a “hypocrite” and said that “you shouldn’t sit on your seat this Thursday “since his last actions”against the principles he himself promoted” repeatedly.

Let us recall that Alzamora formalized contracts in 2021 for the rental of three spaces in the municipal car park of Via Romedespite the fact that there were adverse reports which clearly indicated that the bills of these places Users had to pay for them, not the Consell.since they are not included in the system of dedication, remuneration and compensation for the service of senior officials of the island institution.

We think you should return this 12,000 euros. We don’t know who used this parking lot.his office was much further away than it should be. We have already demanded the money in other plenary sessions and this will be the first plenary session after the publication of the information on the house and pool issue. “We will demand his resignation for the sake of consistency,” Vallori said.

The independence leader illegally took advantage of the three parking spaces on Via Roma, which He did not use it to travel to his office as an advisor, located in the 113, General Riera Streeta building that belongs to the Consell and which provides free parking for senior officials right at the entrance to the property.

From the parking that Alzamora fraudulently contracted, there is more than two kilometers and about 30 minutes on foot until his term as Minister of Economic Promotion and Development. However, the separatist leader chose to have a parking lot at right in the center of PalmaEverything indicates that this is for personal use.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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