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from the protection by law of free education from 0 to 3 years to new tax deductions

The President of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, announced that he would protect by law free and universal education from zero to three years and advanced new tax cuts for middle and low incomes during the general policy debate held in the Valencian Parliament. After a year of government, the head of the Consell showed the commitment of the Regional Executive to “continue looking forward” by strengthening health, education, social policies and freedoms “to consolidate all the rights acquired during this last year.”

Thus, he detailed some of the projects and initiatives that the Valencian Executive will launch to keep the Valencian Community on the path of change initiated by the Generalitat and which have been designed to “care for, protect, encourage, promote and improve the lives of the more than five million inhabitants of Alicante, Castellón and Valencia.

Below you will find the details of 30 measures that Carlos Mazón put forward during the general policy debate of the Valencian Community:

Mazón measures in the general policy debate

1- Double and even triple the deductions for children and adoptions in the Valencian Community with improvements in the deductions for income ceiling of 30,000 euros in individual declarations and 47,000 in joint declarations. The current amounts of the deduction for birth or adoption are doubled: it will go from the current 300 euros to 600 if it is the first child; 750 if it is the second and 900 if it is the third and subsequent ones.

2- Freezing of the water bill fee for 2025.

3- Elimination of port taxes at the Generalitat for fishing boats from the Valencian Community. As of next January 1st, no fishing boat will pay fees in our ports.

4- Reduce land transfer taxes on agricultural properties by 60%, from 10 to 4% to facilitate generational change, agricultural activity, the incorporation of new farmers and the greatest reduction in the cost of agricultural activity.

5- Specific bonus of 50% of the tax corresponding to documented legal acts associated with projects of regional interest.

6- Law to protect free education from 0 to 3 years old.

7- Decree on coexistence in educational centers that addresses the problems that arise and strengthens the authority of teachers in classrooms.

8- Call for tenders for 1,500 sheltered housing units before the end of the year; which will be built on public land offered by the municipalities adhering to the VIVE Plan with a 40% reserve for young people.

9- Viaja +65 Program, a bonus whose objective is to stimulate the internal tourist demand of the Valencian Community for people over 65 years of age during low season periods.

10- Decree on primary and community care that will modernize this essential service, ensuring equity, accessibility and the ability to solve care problems.

11- Opening of the CICUS of Alicante and Castellón in October, with a budget of 2 million euros and which will go from the current 109 places to 153.

12- Creation of the Radiological Ring to speed up the reading of tests between departments, optimize resources as much as possible, develop a virtual network of radiological test reports, in order to promote interoperability with all professionals in the health centers of the Valencian Community.

13- In the area of ​​Mental Health, tender for 18 day hospitals with 450 places of care (to which will be added 18 others specifically for children and young people) that will constitute the backbone of the new Mental Health Plan that is complemented by the 22 early detection units in the educational centers that we have already launched. The Valencian Community will be placed in the third autonomy best equipped to deal with these pathologies.

14- Opening of the first three integrated care centres for victims of sexual violence in the Valencian Community before the end of the year. One in each province that will offer comprehensive and multidisciplinary care to victims of sexual violence 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

15- Law on Volunteering that will constitute an important step in the updating, recognition and promotion of volunteering in the Valencian Community, adapting it to current needs and realities.

16- Third sector law to honor and promote the action of third sector entities.

17- Investment plan to guarantee the quality of wastewater, the necessary infrastructure and the efficient use of water, which in the case of the three provincial councils will involve an amount close to 90 million, to which will be added actions with Valencia and Castellón City Councils – for more than 10 million euros – and with Benidorm for 14.5 million to improve, even more if possible, our exemplary water management.

18- Llei de l’Horta which will include incentives and benefits so that one of the symbols of our identity continues to be what it should never have stopped being: a profitable and sustainable way of life.

19- Coastal Law of the Valencian Community adapted to the reality that serves to make environmental protection and economic uses of the coast as compatible as possible.

20- New natural park in the Sierra de Escalona, ​​after almost 20 years without a new natural park being declared in the Valencian Community.

21- New strategy to combat depopulation in the Valencian Community with an allocation of 10 million euros for the creation of an employment plan for municipalities with less than 2,000 inhabitants.

22- Strategic plan for Castellón airport to reach half a million passengers per year.

23- Creation of the “HUB of the Ivace+I industrial zone”, a strategy dedicated exclusively to the development of industrial land within the Valencian Community. To this end, an industrial land promotion plan will be developed that, through public-private collaboration and the support of the Valencian Cartographic Institute, will organize the new locations of affordable and attractive industrial land for the productive fabric.

24- Strategic Aerospace Plan of the Valencian Community to place it at the forefront of this sector.

25- Law on spatial planning of the Valencian Community that facilitates the construction of more housing, creates more industries and stimulates our economic activity.

26- New decree “bous al carrer” that will improve safety in the celebration of bullfights, animal welfare and reduce bureaucracy, consolidating these traditional celebrations as an economic engine of the Valencian Community, given their social impact in the municipalities. Decree that will include the free veterinary on-call service.

27- Cultural heritage rehabilitation plan which envisages a gradual increase in aid for the rehabilitation of assets of cultural interest and assets of local importance.

28- Strategic plan for cultural industries with the support of the Valencian Institute of Economic Research and with the participation of all Valencian cultural companies.

29- Creation of a permanent headquarters of the Valencian Institute of Public Security and Emergencies (IVASPE) in the province of Alicante, in a first phase of structuring and expansion of this organization. The new headquarters in Alicante will have the capacity to offer, among others, basic training courses, continuing education and advanced monographs.

30- Decree for the direct granting of aid to people affected by the train stuck in the Bejís fire that occurred on August 16, 2022.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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