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HomeEntertainment NewsThe “Journal du Dimanche” launches a weekly Wednesday issue

The “Journal du Dimanche” launches a weekly Wednesday issue

“Long live freedom of expression!” It’s hard to ignore the ambition of JDNewsThe new issue of the magazine, which has just arrived on newsstands this Wednesday, September 18, features the slogan twice on its sky-blue cover. At the top, under the name of the publication, as an affirmation of its editorial line; and at the bottom, in the title of the main page of these 60 pages (much less than other current affairs magazines) illustrated by a marble-like Marianne surrounded by a tricolour scarf.

With a price of 2.20 euros sold alone and 2.90 euros distributed with HE Sunday newspaper, The JDNews (contraction of JDD and CNews) is aimed at “All those who want to hear about a positive and entrepreneurial France”, Journalist Laurence Ferrari recently announced, in Paris match. When we asked, the weekly (printed with 130,000 copies) did not respond to our requests for information.

Curiously, the former head of the political department of the celebrity weekly had chosen the title she left at the end of August (without trumpets or farewells) instead of the JDDof the brand’s current president, to announce the arrival of the magazine. At his side, Geoffroy Lejeune, editorial director of JDD and of JDNewsas well as Louis de Raguenel, editorial director of JDNews and head of Europe 1’s political and police justice services contribute to putting “News, exclusive information and counter-investigations to restore the truth”writes in a welcome editorial, “in the heart” of the project.

“Without taboo”

An objective that is realized on the inside pages with an interview with the general director of Dassault Aviation, Eric Trappier, the “beautiful story” of Olivier Goy, a businessman affected by Charcot’s disease, or even a supposed “Political-media manipulation dismantled by the investigation” on the death of young Nahel, killed by a police officer during a roadblock, in June 2023.

The cover story, entitled “Face à l’info” (like Christine Kelly’s show on CNews), is presented by academics Alain Finkielkraut and Daniel Rondeau, philosopher Michel Onfray and essayists Mathieu Bock-Côté and Rachel Khan, or even journalist Pascal Praud and Philippe Labro, while Geoffroy Lejeune signs an interview. “without taboo” with the writer Michel Houellebecq. A page signed by the sovereigntist Philippe de Villiers, also familiar with the antennas of CNews and Europe 1, closes the magazine.

Read the editorial of “Le Monde”: Geoffroy Lejeune at the head of “JDD”: an opinion press cannot free itself from all principles

JD News take control of JDD MagazineThe seventeenth and last issue of which appeared in June. The decidedly cultural month, which had not found its profitability target, thus succeeded a weekly with an assumed political significance. Until now, the ultra-conservative path followed by the galaxy of Canal+ channels (of which the Vivendi group is the majority shareholder) does not guarantee its profitability. And if CNews or C8 attract viewers, readers will not disappear. The Sunday newspaper since it was directed by Geoffroy Lejeune. In fact, its sales have continued to fall since the editorial purge, in the summer of 2023, and its acquisition by the journalist of Current values.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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