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HomeLatest Newsthe garment that we keep wearing and that is full of germs

the garment that we keep wearing and that is full of germs

There is a clothing that we wear all the time and that is full of germsit is a dirty thing that is almost never washed. The pandemic has taught us the importance of hygiene to keep viruses away. Now we must maintain this maximum cleanliness so that nothing escapes us, starting with a clean house, but also clothes that are always in perfect condition. This can save us more than one problem, so in the end, what we need is to start visualizing some changes that will mark our health.

The season of colds and respiratory illnesses begins, winter is the time of year when you have to start thinking about everything that is going to happen. A series of changes that can make a difference in every way. So it’s time to listen to the experts and get ready to put in the washing machine a garment that should go directly to that place in the house, at least once a week.

The garment that we keep wearing and that is full of germs

Experts have put their finger on the problem when it comes to perfectly recognizing a garment full of germs. Whether we like it or not and especially in winter, we expose it to an infinite number of elements that can end up making us sick in one way or another.

The time will come to put on the table some elements that will make a difference in every way. These are times of change and attention to our health, in particular, we must be prepared to wash more frequently an item that we usually wear for weeks or even months.

The winter or autumn jacket, the gloves with which we go out to protect ourselves from the cold, end up full of germs that we must start to eliminate from our daily lives. To do this, there is nothing better than putting into practice certain elements that go hand in hand and that can prove decisive.

We must be prepared to face this dirt that experts can make us blush with the problems that can generate these seasonal basics that do not touch the washing machine.

It is never washed and it is dirty

It is dirty not to wash winter clothes, just as we do with summer clothes. Going out means being exposed to germs and bacteria that proliferate on the clothes that we usually take off when entering the house, but that does not mean that they are free of problems.

From a New York Post interview with a University of Arizona expert: “The dirty details: Hand warmers are hotbeds for germs, especially if you leave them on during the morning commute. In indoor public spaces, “exposure to germs is high,” Gerba says. (A 2015 study found more than 15,000 types of microbes on the MTA.) Getting sick is as simple as touching a germ-ridden subway pole and rubbing your nose, which isn’t a stretch since “you touch your face about 16 times an hour,” Gerba says. Be honest: “Heat is what actually kills germs” says Gerba. So wash cloth gloves once a week in the hottest water the fabric will allow, or if you’re worried about shrinkage, skip the wash altogether and toss them in the dryer for 45 minutes. The same goes for synthetic gloves, with an extra step to kill bugs: Midweek, wipe them down with disinfectant wipes; even the unattractive but utilitarian ones that gyms hand out by the bucketful would do the trick.

The coat also ends up being a hotbed of germs: “The dirty details: While there’s not much research on winter coats and germs, Gerba thinks they’re a concern. “They probably get pretty gross because people don’t wash them much; what happens once a year?” In his experience, frequently worn, rarely cleaned garments are germ magnets. “Compare them to men’s ties,” he says. “Like coats, they get put away instead of cleaned, and that’s one of the grossest things I’ve ever studied.” Gerba cautions against washing your coat often enough. That’s why he recommends taking the outer layer to the dry cleaners a few times a season. “And make sure it’s clean before you go into hibernation,” Bock says; “Otherwise, you’ll have germs in your closet for a whole year.”


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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