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Government retreats in the face of Congressional revolt: “It is experiencing unprecedented weakness”

The government control session has become a trench in which the president and ministers are trying to resist the attacks that come at them from all sides. Friendly and enemy fire. “They have a resistance manual, right?” jokes an opposition MP, who is delighted with the weakness that is increasingly affecting the executive every week. It is no longer a question of sides, because Pedro Sánchez has already seen initiatives rejected by all political groups, with the sole exception of EH-Bildu. “It must be for a reason,” says with some sarcasm another of the MPs who took advantage of the corridors of the Lower House this Wednesday to denounce this division within the investiture bloc and the defeat added by the government on Tuesday, canceling its proposal to regulate the rent season, this instability has emerged that is already a fact and that shows no signs of improving despite the fact that Sánchez himself insists on dialogue to achieve it. A recipe that does not work according to the latest votes. “He is experiencing unprecedented weakness. Seeing Sánchez leave his home to come and vote in Congress and contemplate his defeated face is priceless. They are getting used to losing and it is not just because of us. Because sometimes they lost to Junts, other times to the PNV and even Podemos voted against. The PSOE ecosystem is being defeated,” say sources close to the PP leadership. Standard Related News Si Lambán shows his rebellion with the PSOE by not voting against a PP motion on regional financing Emilio V. EscuderoOn the ground floor of Génova 13, the headquarters of the Popular Party, there is a certain contained euphoria. “They are tired of saying that they are going to fulfill their mandate and the more they say it, the more they feel like they don’t believe it. “They are very nervous,” says a popular representative after attending the control session. A plenary session in which even Gabriel Rufián, spokesman for ERC – one of the few partners so far loyal to the Executive – questioned Sánchez on the stability of the legislative body. “How long do you think this will last?” he asked before referring to the “right-wing” bloc made up of PP, Vox and Junts and that will surely bring Feijóo to Moncloa. A threat that is a reality. and that worries everyone, at least behind closed doors. “The PNV and Junts are in the progressive bloc because they were placed there, but not because they are there. The logic is that they agree more with us on economic and social issues than with Sumar,” they point out from the PP, where they are convinced that the near future will continue in the same direction. A strategy that works “We are going to win more votes. Not because these parties like Feijóo more, but because of their rejection of Sánchez. “There is currently a majority of rejection,” these sources say. The PP’s strategy is to continue presenting to Congress the initiatives appreciated by the right-wing forces. Laws that can find support without the need for an explicit dialogue with them. For example, this Wednesday, Ana Alós detailed some of the measures that she will include in her conciliation law, such as incentives for mothers who return to the labor market. “The PSOE also joins us in some of these initiatives to win votes,” they say sarcastically from the PP. Half joking, half not, this is how they understand what happened with the ALS law that Pedro Sánchez himself boasted about yesterday and that in reality, they had to assume the theses of Junts and the PP to advance it. The revolt in Congress is not limited to the right-wing seats alone. Yesterday, Podemos also raised its voice, its leader accusing Sánchez of having forgotten them. “The person who has the responsibility of articulating this majority that gave him the investiture is the President of the Government. Therefore, I believe that having renounced democratic regeneration, which this majority was able to articulate in July, today has the consequence that it is impossible to articulate this majority for anything else,” said Ione Belarra, secretary general of Podemos, who denounced the inability of the Executive to “articulate a majority” that was possible with him in the Council of Ministers. “In the last legislature we achieved it and it was hard work, similar to that of an ant,” he stressed.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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