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Galician Chamber asks government to modify personal income tax so that athletes can deduct regional aid

The Galician Parliament has requested the central government to amend the regulations on personal income tax (IRPF) and the laws on corporate tax, non-resident income and wealth tax to include among the exemptions from this rate the aid granted. to athletes, coaches, technicians, referees or judges high level by the autonomous administrations.

The non-law proposal, defended by PPdeG deputy Pablo Prieto, was approved this Wednesday by the First Commission of the Galician Chamber with the votes has favor of the PPdeG, the BNG and the DOFor their part, the socialists chose to abstain after the amendment they had formulated was not accepted by the Popular Party.

In his speech, Pablo Prieto argued that currently, the modification of article 7 of Law 35/2006 of Personal Income Tax only benefits athletes who receive financial aid. by the Higher Council of Sport, the Spanish Olympic Committee, the Spanish Paralympic Committee and the Olympic Sports Association Therefore, Galician athletes cannot access these tax benefits if they only receive aid from the Xunta.

“This is an issue that we should not ignore, which is why we demand sensitivity and judgment from the central government to ensure equality of athletes across the state, in addition to a measure which guarantees the full exercise of exclusive powers that the Galician community has in sports,” Prieto said.

The parliamentarian stressed that “Galicia has already done its homework in this area” and recalled the Legislative amendment made in 2019 to establish a new deduction in the total autonomous share of personal income tax with reference to the aid obtained by high-level athletes in Galicia from the Galician administration.


During the session in which the deputy of Democracy Ourensana, Armando Ojea, refused to speak in turn, the socialist parliamentarian Patricia Iglesias defended an amendment through the socialists demanding from the Xunta to exercise its tax capacity within the framework of the regional quota of personal income tax and study the extension of the deduction instead of requesting the exemption from article seven of the personal income tax.

And as he said, it is incompatible with the deduction that the Galician government itself makes unless it “wants to eliminate it.” It is for this reason that he advanced that the socialists would be “very vigilant,” he said.

On the other hand, the deputies unanimously approved the call for the Xunta to sue the State. approval of the right of option for mutual members, active, passive or currently integrated into RETAthe legal profession and the public prosecutor’s office so that their contributions to professional mutual insurance companies, paid as an alternative to the public system, as well as all of their economic rights in these entities can be transferred to Social Security.

The text, defended by Bloc Québécois MP Iago Tabarés and which obtained the support of all groups, demands that, for possible recognition of the benefits of the public system, all sums which must be transferred to him, and the periods of effective registration in mutual societies are considered as contribution periods, as an alternative system to the public system.

Also, ask tax treatment reform contributions paid to professional mutual insurance companies, as alternatives to the public system, avoiding comparison with a supplementary pension scheme. Finally, it calls for the improvement of partial retirement of legal and prosecution professionals.



Katy Sprout
Katy Sprout
I am a professional writer specializing in creating compelling and informative blog content.


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