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HomeLatest NewsElon Musk, 1; Thierry Breton, 0

Elon Musk, 1; Thierry Breton, 0

All Greek tragedy revolves around a single idea, that of pride, this arrogance of the powerful which always sows desolation and ruin and which ends up leading to its own destruction. Sophocles would do wonders with the case of Thierry Breton.

As Sánchez completes his assault on freedoms and the conquest of total control with his Orwellian program aimed at “regenerating democracy” by silencing critical media, we Europeans have the scant consolation of seeing one of the most arrogant bureaucrats who govern our lives, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton.

Breton is the robot portrait of the European Eurocrata man who, without having been elected by any electorate, dominated the citizens of the community a power that would put despots on edge of yesteryear and intended to exercise it, in particular, against the coconut of the establishment Western politics, freedom of speech.

Breton’s sin, which led him to stay outside the new Commission mounted by Ursula von der Leyen, who repeats, was the pride. Not to confront the directives of the European executive, but to follow them with the clumsiness, indiscretion and speed that are the fruit of arrogance. And his sworn enemy is called Elon Musk, the billionaire who bought the social network x to convert it, he said, into a haven of freedom of expression in an increasingly stifling environment of online censorship.

Which made Breton, like many other censors, in breast, In the shooting was the Trump interview that Musk posted on his network and which generated billion views, one eighth of humanity.

Breton sent Musk a threatening letter in his capacity as Commissioner for the Internal Market x to punish him if he did not suppress “content inciting hatred, disorder, incitement to violence or some cases of disinformation” Given what has been the official version public affairs over the past five years, for an authority to speak of “disinformation” sounds like bloody sarcasm, but that’s the way it is.

Musk’s response, on the social network itself, was a very direct and undiplomatic “thank you.” “Fuck” (“Literally, fuck your own face!”to be precise).

But Breton’s colleagues, far from showing solidarity with him, have disowned him. In a severe statement, Brussels accuses Breton to have exceeded with the letter to Musk, stating that he never sought approval from European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen to send it.

“The timing and wording of the letter were not coordinated or agreed upon with the President or the [comisionados]”Thierry has his own mentality, his own way of working and thinking,” the Commission said in its statement. “Thierry has his own mentality, his own way of working and thinking,” said an anonymous senior European official.

For her part, the general director of xLinda Yaccarino, called poor Thierry’s interference “unprecedented attempt to extend a law intended to apply in Europe to political activities in the United States,” and from the Trump campaign the message was that the EU has no say in North American elections and that, literally, “they can go to hell.”

Ursula therefore did not put him on the list of the new commission, which was too much for the superb Thierry, who responded with the classic “You don’t leave me, I’ll leave” in a letter addressed to Von der Leyen assuring that, “despite the fact that French President Emmanuel Macron has designated you as France’s official candidate for the College of Commissioners, ‘you’ (Von der Leyen) have asked France remove my namefor personal reasons which he never discussed directly with me.

The truth is that Breton had wanted to go to Brussels for a long time. The Frenchman has an ego that, even in a cabal famous for its arrogance like that of the Commission, was unbearable, a cowardly worm that compromised the credibility of the Commission with continuous outbursts.

But, for now, we cannot say that once the dog is dead, the anger will stop. What Breton said is what everyone thinks in Brussels, and they even say it, although in a more vague, diplomatic and sibylline way.

The project that Brussels is implementing requires the absolute control of the narrativeand Twitter is a thorn in the side. The ideal would be for them to completely destroy the social network or, at least, with its owner, who flies away. cojonera It’s Musk, something in which Washington would have more of a hand. If that’s not possible, Brussels dreams of blocking the network on its territory. Last August, Sandro Gozi, who represents Macron’s Ensemble coalition in the European Parliament, renewed Breton’s threats in an interview with The Republic and said that “if Elon Musk does not respect European rules on digital services, the European Commission will ask continental operators to block” x or, in the most extreme case, it will impose the total dismantling of the platform on the territory of the Union.

Breton lives, the fight continues.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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