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PP accuses government of collusion in Chavista regime threats against Edmundo González at Spanish embassy

This Wednesday, the Popular Party summoned the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Manuel Albaresto explain why he allowed “two senior officials of the Maduro regime” to enter the Spanish embassy in that country and threaten Edmundo González “on Spanish soil” to force him to sign a document and flee to Spain.

Popular sources have thus reacted to the video released by González on his social networks with the aim of making known “the whole truth” about his departure from Venezuela and, more specifically, to denounce the fact that the president of the National Assembly and the vice-president of the government of Nicolas Maduro entered the Spanish embassy where he was taking refuge to force him to sign a document and go to Spain.

For the PP, the government of Pedro Sanchez must specify “whether the ambassador to Venezuela was present during the threats that Edmundo González denounces or if, on the contrary, he left the room to let Maduro’s envoys do their thing.

The formation led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo recalled that the events occurred on “Spanish soil (that of our embassy in Caracas)” and considers it intolerable that two people of Maduro’s greatest confidence were allowed to enter “threatening a political leader who has won an electionas recognized by the Congress of Deputies.

This is why he denounced that “the government, which said that He did not negotiate anything with the regimeallowed two senior officials of the Venezuelan dictatorship to enter our embassy in order to threaten González on Spanish soil.

He also questioned the humanitarian version put forward by the President of the Government, given that “Spain granted political asylum to the one who won the elections once the regime managed to blackmail him and get what it wanted from him through threats and coercion” within the Spanish government embassy itself.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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