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HomeLatest NewsCiudadanos proposes to move Lucena police station to abandoned Social Security building

Ciudadanos proposes to move Lucena police station to abandoned Social Security building

The municipal group of Ciudadanos will take the next Complete from the Lucena City Hall a proposal for the building under construction of the new headquarters of the National Institute of Social security (INSS), which the government has given up on completing in 2021, becomes the new police station National Police from Lucene.

The measure aims to solve the shortcomings of the current police station, located on Miguel Cruz Cuenca Street, as explained by the spokesperson for Ciudadanos. Jesus Lopezwho described as “critical” the situation in which the agents of Lucene they do their job.

The current police station, opened in 2004 to accommodate between 60 and 70 officers, now has nearly 150, which generates numerous discomfort for civil servants and negatively affects the service provided to the city.

“The officers do not have enough changing rooms, especially the women, who have to change in toilets. In addition, the police station has a single post within the police station. complaintswhich causes long waits for citizens who have to use this service,” explained Lopez.

The spokesman also highlighted structural problems such as damp in basements and outdated furniture, as well as a lack of air conditioning for several years, a problem that was only resolved after the intervention of the Labor Inspectorate. “This building has become too small, it is at the limit of its capacity, and this has an impact on the quality of the service,” added López.

In response to these problems, Ciudadanos proposes that the Social Security building, begun in 2004 and whose construction was abandoned, while retaining its structurebecomes the new police station.


According to Lopez, the director of the National Social Security Institute ruled out the resumption of the initial project, thus opening the door to a change of use of the building. “This building is ideal to house the new police station, as the police union itself has indicated,” he said.

Francisco Villalbaunion representative Jupolsupported the proposal, stressing that the building has enough space to house the facilities needed by the national police, including more space for police vehicles – which are currently parked on the street – and a parking appropriate.

The proposal of Ciudadanos will be presented as a motion at the next municipal plenary session and it is also expected that it will reach the City Council of Goatwhich shares a police station with Lucena.

On the other hand, the citizen security advisor, Angel Novillowanted to send a message of tranquility after the uncertainty caused by the burglary in a house from the El Carmen area while its residents were inside, in which the owner was injured a week ago.

The current police station was built to accommodate between 60 and 70 officers and now has 150, with problems with changing rooms.

Novillo said that Lucena “continues to be safe” and considered it normal that “specific facts” Such things cause concern among the population. The councilor explained that the mayor of Lucena has maintained several contacts with the government subdelegate in Córdoba, Ana López, to request more resources from the Ministry of the Interior.

“We understand that, while making an effort at the local level, the Ministry must strengthen the forces of the National Police, since Lucena continues to grow and with it the security demands,” he noted. The popular councilor denied that in recent weeks there has been a escalation of the number of flights.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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