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HomeLatest NewsiOS 18 helps you keep your eyes on your iPhone screen

iOS 18 helps you keep your eyes on your iPhone screen

Since last Monday, you can now download the latest version of the iPhone operating system, iOS 18. It has several new features, but there is one that puts it at your fingertips. change the size of the text on the screen, something that comes in handy not only if you have vision difficulties, but also if you have reached an age where your eyesight needs help.

No more suffering from font size

This feature has always been possible on the iPhone, but A slightly longer route had to be taken. Now You have it right in the control center, what happens is that it is not enabled by default. But don’t worry, because I will show you step by step how to improve the screen size of your iPhone in iOS 18.

Control Center is a space where you have direct access to a multitude of common functions on your iPhone, for example activating airplane mode, changing the brightness or turning off mobile data. Accessing Control Center is very simple, simply you have to swipe from the home screen from top to bottom, and it will be shown.

As I told you, this function to change the font size it’s not in control center by default. Follow these steps to have it there and be able to change the font size to your liking. As I told you, swipe down from the top to access the control center of your iPhone.

You will notice that the function to change the text size does not appear by default. Therefore, long press so that all the icons appear highlighted with a minus sign. You can take the opportunity to retract by clicking on them those functions that you are not going to use. But if you look, at the bottom a text appears with which we can add the function we want.

By pursuing this option, We automatically get all the ones we have and we can add. Look at the one marked “Text Size” and click on it.

You can now place this icon anywhere in the control center. If you notice, for me it was placed by default on the second page of the control center, but if you slide the icon to the left you can bring it to the foreground to always have it at hand.

You already have it, and now is the time to try it. If you swipe this icon up, You will gradually increase the font size on the iPhone. Here is a screenshot of how you can see the text now.

Best of all,This is a completely reversible function that you can modify as you wish. If you lend your phone to someone who does not see like you, you do not need to complicate things, go to the control center so that they can see the screen of your iPhone thanks to iOS 18 in a much more visible and comfortable way.

This is one of the features integrated by iOS 18, so that changing the font size does not become a complicated option. Throughout these days I will publish many other functions of this new operating system and that you can enjoy. One of the most curious is the one you can see here, a return to the 90s.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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