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HomeLatest NewsIsa Pantoja breaks her silence with a message for Isabel Pantoja and...

Isa Pantoja breaks her silence with a message for Isabel Pantoja and Kiko Rivera

Isa Pantoja decided to speak for the first time after undergoing emergency surgery for appendicitis. The collaborator has been hospitalized in Cadiz since September 12when she had to undergo surgery after suffering severe pain. During all this time, much has been said about Isabel Pantoja’s behavior and below we will reveal the message that the tonadillera received from her daughter.

Isa is recovering in hospital The port of Santa Mariathe same place where She lives with her husband Asraf Beno and her young son, Alberto.. However, the surprise came when neither her mother nor her brother came to visit her or contacted her to inquire about her health, despite the fact that They both knew about the situation from the beginning..

The message sent by Isa Pantoja

On his social networks, Isa Pantoja wanted to publicly thank the people who supported him during these days of uncertainty. Through a publication on his Instagram account, he spoke about both his state of health and the lack of interest of some members of his family. The message was clear and direct.marking a before and after in his relationship with his mother and his brother.

Kiko Rivera at a festival. (Photo: Gtres)

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart “Those of you who are worried about me,” Isa began, making it clear that she deeply appreciates the support she has received from friends and loved ones during this difficult time. Despite initial problems with diagnosing her illness, she explained that her recovery has been more complicated than expected, which has extended her hospital stay.They couldn’t release me because I’m still recovering.because it was more complicated than we thought at first,” he admitted.

However, the detail that caused the most sensation was the silence of Isabel Pantoja and Kiko Rivera regarding Isa’s delicate state of health. Despite the concern of the rest of her environment, neither his mother nor his brother They made the slightest effort to contact her. Isa, who has been at odds with both for several years, sadly expressed her frustration at the indifference shown by her own family. “I wish he had called me,” Isa said. when asked about his mother.

The great support of Isa Pantoja

Anabel Pantoja, Isa’s cousin and one of the few members of the Pantoja clan with whom Isa has close relations, has been the link between Chabelita and the rest of the family. According to close sources, the Sevillian informed Isabel and Kiko of Isa’s progress, but even this intermediation has not managed to worry the tonadillera or her eldest son for the young woman.

The tension between Isa Pantoja and her mother is not new. For years, relations between the two have been practically non-existent. Since Isa decided to follow her own path and start a family with Asraf BenoThe distances with Isabel grew. The last major controversy that further separated mother and daughter was Isabel’s silence in the face of Kiko Rivera’s public attacks on Isawhich further damaged family ties.

Kiko Rivera’s problem has no solution

The relationship with Kiko Rivera has also been broken for more than a year.. Isa has made it clear on several occasions that she has no intention of reconciling with her brother, after he publicly attacked her on several occasions. The fact that Kiko also did not care about her sister in this delicate situation was one more shot for Isa, who no longer expects anything from him.

“Everyone chooses their own path”Isa added in her post. The talk show host hinted that she is accepting the lack of support from her immediate family. For her, the most important thing now is her recovery and the support of people who truly care about her well-being. Asraf Beno has been its biggest pillar these daysaccompanying her at all times and providing her with the emotional support she needs.

Despite the sadness caused by the attitude of her mother and brother, she seems determined to continue moving forward in her life. He no longer cares what people think, he has realized that there are people, like Anabel Pantoja, who truly love him and that is enough for him. The absence of Isabel Pantoja and Kiko Rivera At such a critical moment, he made it clear that the family fracture remains deep. What must happen for them to finally bury the hatchet?


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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