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The caste is afraid and that’s why it attacks

The followers of Milei They are quite ingenious and that is why they have given birth to a kind of slogan which screams, because it screams, like this: “The caste is afraid”. They carry this slogan even in their Parliament whenever the corrupt opposition of the party Kirchner and all their ilk are trying to sabotage the reforms that seek to get rid of the vast network of waste left by the heirs of Peron.

For years, the caste has dedicated itself, as it falsely proclaimed, to “protecting freedom”; lying, they destroyed it, that is, the same thing that this Wednesday began to perpetrate, with an infamous “democratic regeneration”, that public danger that still threatens Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón. A misdeed without much political significance, but the most serious thing is that he did it.

This columnist took the trouble to recall the terms in which Fraga’s Law of April 1966 attempted to justify the control of the free press. This monstrosity presented as a text of “openness” said this: “The inspiring principle,” it proclaimed, “is to achieve the maximum development of the freedom of the person to express his thought.” In other words, the same fallacious argument put forward by Sánchez’s hired killers, with the little Bolanos at the top, were used to justify an absolutely grotesque initiative. And the socialists, and even worse Sánchez, were born like that.

Twenty years ago he came to Spain – he was a fan of our country – Jean-François Revelhigh point of the journalistic and liberal intellectuality of the practicing Gauls. The columnist was invited to a dinner by Xavier Dominguehis friend in Madrid and, after a deluge of rigorously acquired critical ideas, told us: “The socialists base their control over the media as a measure of national salvation”, and he added: “The socialists always maintain that the press is all the more free and objective the more it is removed from private initiative and entrusted to public powers.

Listening to the costaleros of Sánchez tell of the goods that will reach all of us Spaniards, knowing who is the owner In every newspaper, every radio and every television, I remembered this warning from Revel. Because it is curious: what does this socialist nonsense really mean when it warns that we all have the right to know who owns each media company?

Look: they are so bad at doing mandatory laws who forget that at present, without more laws or more bagpipes, all the extremes of each property can be known; just dive into Google or, for more details, access the corresponding registry. So, what is Sánchez’s team trying to do with this measure?

Easy, three things: the first, to have tax seized through the crotch to all free media; the second, to use commercial knowledge to chain, via taxes or sanctions, those who, according to the censorsthey exceed the imposed standards; the third is copied from French Socialist Partytoday fortunately in terminal decline, which included in its last electoral program, the one that led them to a practical dissolution, an attack on the free press with a definition as flat, as sectarian, as this: “You cannot provide for the needs of the forces of money the possibility of making the media an instrument of destabilization. Replace this word with the one used insistently by Sánchez, “disinformation”, and you will know that the democratic aberration born in Spain by the PSOE is contained in the very core of the socialist being. This is not new.

That being said, in this infamous way, nothing surprises the law with which the liberticide Sánchez attacks us – to scare more than anything -. It is about conforming the practice of information to its uses and requirements, inventing precautions, sanctions and controls to attack those who tell the shame of their family and establish their power, as Wallforever and ever.

Thirty years ago, the Italian journalist Indro Montanellijournalistic glory, thus responded to a question posed by Pedro J. Ramirez: “You ask me about the limits of freedom? Well, the limits are in the conscience of the one who exercises this freedom, not in the laws or in the regulations. Even less a Media Registrationin the style that existed under the Franco regime.

Therefore, the sentence of Montanelli This is radically contrary to the ingenuity of the Sanchista troops. This totalitarian caste in which the communists do not want to lose their place, and even demand the appointment of directors, has fear, fear to the freedom that, curiously, even illiterate types defended Karl Marx -remember him?- when he cynically wrote that “the free press is the mirror in which people see themselves.”

Here and now, the unscrupulous scoundrel Sánchez has wrapped the generic cellophane of press aid his abominable invention. It is in reality a shameful attempt to purchase of wills. Most people are so seraphic and stupid, of course, that they reacted with answers less like this: “But they give you money so you can survive!”

Assuming the money is not yours, but that of all taxpayers, grants could be accepted provided the donor behaves well with the grants. two essential rules: one, that does not discriminate, and another, that they are episodic, for a final objective, for example, the technological revolution. But I already tell you that the absurdities of Sánchez do not follow this path, but rather that of sectarianism, support for cronies and aggression against independents. In this way, Sanchism intends to perpetuate itself not by governing, which does not care, but simply by be.

The caste is mortally afraid that its place will be stolen by freedom. And they deny the greatest, the greatest of journalistic exercise which is based on four dogmas: freedom to obtain information, freedom to write it, freedom to publish it and freedom to disseminate it. None of these principles are included in the liberticidal aim of the fearful and feline caste, of Sánchez and all his cohort of ink-suckers who surround him. That is why they attack, they bite like shells, like a fascist caste, and end up invoking their freedom to lie to insult the Virgin Mary who lives in God. Oh, and in the king, let him not stay. It is free, it is rewarded.

Postscript.- This is all that an individual from Moncloa launched to scare the staff but… sorry, good news: these misdeeds have no political future, They will not be able to execute them. Like bikes. But the important thing, of course, is his perfidious intention.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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