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HomeLatest NewsPoet and professor at the University of Granada Sergio Navarro Ramírez, winner...

Poet and professor at the University of Granada Sergio Navarro Ramírez, winner of the XXI Amado Alonso International Prize for Literary Criticism

He Jury of the XXI Amado Alonso International Prize for Literary Criticismconvened by the Foundation of the same name, unanimously awarded its annual prize to the philologist and poet Sergio Navarro Ramirez for his work “Acts of poetry still possible. Dissidences in the regime of postmodern sensitivity.

The prize is endowed with 5,000 euros and the publication of the winning work in co-edition by the foundation and the Valencian publishing house Pre-Textos. Amado Alonso Foundation It is composed of the Government of Navarre, the Public University of Navarre (UPNA) and the Lérin Town Hall.

The jury appreciated “the in-depth analysis of the poems of Álvaro Garcia, Ada Salas, Jordi Doce and Esperanza Lopez Paradawhose poetics deserve particular critical attention, because it forms relevant lines of the current panorama.

Furthermore, the theoretical reflection which accompanies the study of poems and supports the the search in them for a neohumanism “revealing the discontents with the postmodern condition,” as the judgment reveals.

About the author

Sergio Navarro (Marbella, 1992) studied Hispanic Philology and Audiovisual Communication and a Masters in Comparative Literature at the University of Cambridge. He holds a PhD in Literature from the University of Navarra and has carried out research at the Universities of Exeter (UK), Bordeaux (France) and Freiburg (Germany).

He published the poems “History of touch» (José Hierro Poetry Collection, 2022), « An Impossible Image » (RNE Poetry Prize, Pré-textes, 2018) and « The Struggle for Escape » (Adonáis Poetry Prize, Adonáis, 2017). He was a resident scholarship holder at the Antonio Gala Foundation for Young Creators, part of the XV promotion.

He is also the author of various essays and academic articles on Spanish poetry of the 20th and 21st centuries, published in national and international journals. Currently, works as a postdoctoral researcher Juan de la Cierva at the University of Granada.

The Amado Alonso Foundation

THE Amado Alonso Foundationcreated in 2001, seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the life of Amado Alonso, Navarrese professor of language and literature at the University Harvard University (United States) and its historical context in the academic and social world of Navarre, Spain and other countries.

In addition, it has other objectives such as justifying the validity of the scientific contributions of this researcher in the field of Spanish philology, teaching of the Spanish language and literary theory and criticism; promoting research and dissemination activities aimed at developing the lines of work and the spirit of Amado Alonso’s workhis collaborators and disciples; and encourage the collection of documentation on this author.

Previously, they got this award, created in 2002M.ª Isabel López Martínez (2002), Gloria Estela González-Zenteno (2003), Ángel Pérez Martínez (2004), Miguel Zugasti Zugasti (2005), Josep María Rodríguez Cabrera (2006), Alberto Santamaría Fernández (2007), Magda Beatriz Lahoz de Klins (2009), Alejandro Bekes (2010), Mario Martín Gijón (2011), Toni Montesinos Gilbert (2012), Gabriel Insausti Herrero-Velarde (2014), Walter Cassara (2015), Álex Matas (2016), Miriam Moreno (2017), Marco Perilli (2018), Cristian Crusat (2019), Roberto Echavarren (2020), Andrés García Cerdán (2022) and Pedro Charro (2023).


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
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