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HomeLatest NewsVox will break with PP if immigration pact affects city councils

Vox will break with PP if immigration pact affects city councils

That the relationship between PP and Vox is not going through its best moment is no secret to anyone. Those of Santiago Abascal took the decision in July to dissolve the autonomous executives in which they governed in coalition and now, with the beginning of the political course, the resistance of the agreements will be put to the test in more than a hundred municipalities in which they still share the government team. The decisive test will be next year’s budgets. Vox has already announced that it will be tough in the regions where the PP has remained in the minority and party sources assure that its position will not be different in the municipalities. The “red line”, they emphasize, will be their position regarding immigration, the same issue that caused the autonomous rupture and that could condition this relationship in the coming months if an agreement on this issue crystallizes between the Popular Party and the Government. Vox leaders recall that they have already proven that they are capable of making “courageous” decisions and that their hands will not shake if they have to decide to leave the municipal corporations if this immigration pact affects them or if there is no agreement for next year’s municipal elections accounts. Related news standard Yes The government is entrenched in the face of the revolt of Congress: “An unprecedented weakness” Emilio V. Escudero Pedro Sánchez and his ministers insist on their idea of ​​exhausting the legislative power, but the Chamber confronts them with a more convoluted reality with each voteAnd despite the peculiarities of municipal politics, no one doubts that the final decision will be in the hands of the leadership of Bambú Street. Vox has always boasted of having a “unitary” position throughout Spain and this case will be no exception. The Secretary General, Ignacio Garriga, is already warning about this, in a tour he is carrying out for several autonomies – “Like all the decisions taken in Vox, they are discussed, meditated and taken in a unitary manner” –, and they are also beginning to move from the territories, as did yesterday the spokesperson for the Balearic Islands, Manuela Cañadas, acknowledging that the leadership will send them “instructions” when they start talking about budgets. Meanwhile, PP and Vox showed their distance yesterday on the issue in Congress, where those of Abascal voted against an initiative of the popular to declare the situation of emergency in terms of immigration. The deputy of Vox, José María Sánchez García, did not hesitate to disdain all the popular proposals and accuse them of seeking an “electoral gain” in this matter. “All this makes no sense,” he said about the Genoa proposals on immigration. Meeting in the air. The agreement that could explode the weak relations between the Popular Party and Vox is the one that the government and the PP have been working on for months, albeit intermittently, with the Executive of the Canary Islands. After weeks without speaking, the Minister of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Ángel Víctor Torres, contacted the PP spokesman in Congress, Miguel Tellado, last Monday and asked him to meet today. The PP spokesman demanded the presence at the conclave of Fernando Clavijo, president of the Canary Islands, whose schedule did not allow him to be in Madrid this Thursday, and so the meeting was postponed until next week. It will then be time to check if the government has the will to negotiate and assumes part of the agreement reached a few days ago between the communities governed by the PP and the Canary Islands Executive, although Torres’ words yesterday in Congress showed an enormous distance between the pieces. “It is difficult to believe that the PP wants to reach an agreement after Tellado’s intervention today. Let’s see if he makes a mistake one day and tells the truth,” the minister accused. The PP insists on the willingness to negotiate and recalls the meeting last August, in which there was a rapprochement that was awaiting approval by the tax authorities. “It is Montero who is blocking and torpedoing the agreement,” PP sources say, pointing to the minister, responsible for authorizing the funds needed to carry out the agreement led by Clavijo and which was reflected in the popular pact with the Canary Islands government. Torres. for his part, insists that the meeting should not be based on this document, but rather on the one that eight parties sealed in July and which spoke of the mandatory distribution of autonomies. Important divergences that the parties will try to bridge next week to resolve the crisis.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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