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They announce a new photovoltaic plant in Cáseda that will generate more than 250 jobs

He Government of Navarre adopted, during its session this Wednesday, an agreement by which the project is declared an investment of regional interest so that Activate energy build one photovoltaic power plant for self-consumption of 48.11 MWc, an installation forming part of the Viscofan production center decarbonization plan in the municipality of Caseda.

THE business believes that renewable energies The new plant will prevent the emission of more than 50,000 tonnes of CO2 to the atmosphere per year. In addition, it will generate 269 jobs during the construction phase and four when it is already operational, including direct, indirect and induced jobs.

This is how he explained it Minister of Industry and Ecological and Commercial Digital Transition of the provincial government, Mikel Irujoat the press conference after the executive session. He stressed the importance of this type of interventions, which “allow the decarbonization of the industrial sector, in accordance with the Navarre Energy Plan Horizon 2030but also the digitalization and diversification of energy consumption, while optimizing the company’s costs.”

According to Irujo, the project also contributes to strengthening the activity of a company that acts as “the economic engine of an area affected by depopulation and the demographic challenge, priority areas of intervention of the Regional Executive” (60% of the Viscofan insole comes from Cáseda, Aibar, Gallipienzo, Lerga, Eslava, Sos and Javier, towns with less than 1,000 inhabitants, and from Lumbier and Sangüesa, with less than 5,000 inhabitants).

Viscofan is a world-leading company in the sector of packaging for the food industrywhich distributes its products in more than 100 countries. The self-consumption plant which she plans to promote is part of her decarbonization planwhich includes the electrification of processes currently carried out with the consumption of fossil fuels.

According to the report presented by Viscofan to request that this installation be declared an investment of regional interest, the plant will be launched with the collaboration with Acciona Energíathrough the installation of a 48.11 MW photovoltaic self-consumption system, as well as the necessary infrastructure for its connection to the internal network of its Cáseda facilities.

The company subcontracts the long-term clean electricity supply service, so it is Activate energy which will ensure the operation and maintenance of the photovoltaic self-consumption systemwhich, combined with the new electric boilers, will make it possible to “obtain the thermal energy necessary for the industrial process by replacing the gas consumed in conventional boilers with electrical energy”.


It is expected that the installation of electric boilers start consuming the energy generated by the photovoltaic plant. The switch to electric boilers powered by the photovoltaic plant represents, as Irujo indicates, a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, of 17,360 and 32,946 tons per year, respectively, taking into account the emissions avoided by replacing gas boilers and renewable electricity production compared to the energy mix.

In the analysis section of social and economic impact of the projectThe company emphasizes that it will dedicate 0.3% of the engineering and construction costs of the plant and 0.2% of the sales value of the project of the previous year, during the first 10 years of operation of the facility, which can be returned to the benefit of all the neighbors. In addition, he continued, the transfer of the common areas affected by the facility will generate extraordinary income for the municipality of Cáseda.

Last March, the company began the process of obtaining the necessary authorization from the General State Administration to promote this plant, which joins another ease which it already has, supported by the all-in cogeneration modality of 48 MW.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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