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the great price explosion

“It’s a revolution” “This is the first time that a single transport ticket valid throughout the Ile-de-France region will be introduced on 2 January 2025,” said Valérie Pécresse, announcing the arrival on 2 January 2025 of a single transport ticket valid throughout the Ile-de-France region. The president of the region (Les Républicains), who also oversees the organising authority Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM), is not the only one to guarantee this. User associations and their left-wing opponents recognise this and are pleasantly surprised by this ambitious decision which completes the project initiated by her socialist predecessor, Jean-Paul Huchon. He had initiated the rezoning of the Navigo passage. No more expensive transport tickets for travellers. In addition, Parisians who want to get some fresh air at the weekend will no longer have to buy an additional ticket at a higher price.

Stepping outside political divides, the regional president even described “visionary” This decision, which she fought against in 2012, was not funded. Today, defending ecology, justice and simplicity, she has decided to continue this movement by also rezoning the prices of tickets.

From 2 January 2025, all journeys on the metro, RER or train, purchased individually, will cost €2.50, regardless of the distance, and those on the bus or tram will cost €2 (plus 50 cents if bought on board). There will no longer be so-called “destination-to” tickets outside Paris. This will put an end to “fare traps”: today a different price applies if you go to La Défense by metro or RER (more expensive), with the risk of a fine. “There are more than 50,000 tariffs in the region”IDFM regrets. Too complex.

Two subscriptions

At first glance, this single ticket is good news for all travellers, who often pay 5 euros or more for their journey when connecting with a bus or tram after the RER or the metro, or a connection between an SNCF RER and another operated by the RATP. For Parisians, it is a different story: they paid 2.15 euros for a metro ticket, or even 1,735 euros for a ten-euro ticket, much cheaper than the future single ticket of 2.50 euros. Because the simplification of prices is accompanied by a “ticket revolution”, which will put an end to the booklet, from 2 January 2025, and to magnetic paper tickets, at the end of 2025.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers. The “metro for all”, a beautiful promise that requires debate and method

Residents of the Île-de-France region, on the other hand, will be able to choose between two passes: the Navigo pass at €86.40 per month (for most journeys) or the Liberté Plus Card, for occasional travellers or teleworkers. This allows you to travel as much as you like and pay for your journey on the 15th of the following month. This card already existed for Paris and some cities served by the metro, but it was not operational beyond the ring road.

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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