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HomeBreaking NewsAlmeida already working on new mobility ordinance after Madrid's low-emission zones were...

Almeida already working on new mobility ordinance after Madrid’s low-emission zones were cancelled

Even as the blow to low-emission zones reaches the Supreme Court, the José Luis Martínez-Almeida City Hall will work in parallel on a new mobility ordinance. This has been confirmed his mayor a day after the TSJM announced the cancellation of the ZBE following a complaint from Vox. “It would be irresponsible to leave Madrid without an ordinance on sustainable mobility”defended the first mayor, after the signing of a collaboration agreement between the City Hall and the Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM).

The Spanish capital was introduced into the low-emission zone during the era of Manuela Carmena, who created her famous Madrid Central in 2018. After Justice sand I knocked it over after a complaint from the PPMayor Almeida has implemented his environmental sustainability strategy, Madrid 360who developed a wider low-emission system. So much so that today it covers the entire city.

In summary, the ZBE prohibits vehicles “without an environmental label” (diesel registered before 2006 or petrol before 2000) circulate in the city. The TSJM considers that the municipal government has not sufficiently recognized the economic impact of low-emission zones.

More precisely, the Second Section of the Contentious-Administrative Chamber argues that the city council failed to understand that these restrictions affect low-income citizens who have difficulty buying a new car. The same thing happens according to the resolution with more fragile business groups, such as the self-employed or SMEs.

The town hall You have until October 23 to appeal the decision. before the Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the ZBE remains in place, as do the sanctions. “Regarding the fines, already in 2022 (with the blow to Madrid Central), the legal services declared that the sanction procedures concluded before the final judgment were valid and, therefore, there was no reimbursement procedure,” stressed the first mayor.

The popular announced that whether it is appealed or but, Work will be carried out on a new mobility ordinance “that covers the current situation in Madrid”.

“It’s a model that has worked and that has reduced pollution. The economy has not been affected and the quality of life has improved“It is not the Vox model, that of inaction, nor the hysterical one of the left,” he said.

The decision to prepare a new text without waiting for the final judicial result is reminiscent of the strategy followed by Cibeles with the terraces.

In April, the Madrid court annulled the decision on procedural grounds. the terrace ordinance that the city council approved in 2022 and which allowed the terraces to be expanded Covid parking strips. Faced with such a decision, Cibeles decided a few months ago to work in two groups: appeal the decision to the Supreme Court and, in turn, work on developing a new regulation.




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