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HomeBreaking NewsA man broke his sister's nose for washing clothes

A man broke his sister’s nose for washing clothes

A man broke his sister’s nose for washing clothes

The criminal case against Ugur Babashov (conditionally released) on charges of intentionally causing minor bodily harm has been concluded in Sumqayit City Court.

According to information obtained by, the verdict was read out at the trial presided over by Judge Ramiz Guliyev.

According to the court’s ruling, the criminal proceedings were concluded and he was exempted from criminal liability.

According to the prosecution, the incident took place in one of the houses located in the city of Sumgait.

Thus, Ugur Babashov had an argument with his divorced sister, the victim Malahat Babashova (conditional), who lives with them in the house. The reason for the quarrel was that the woman washed her dirty clothes together with her brother’s clothes. Ugur also objected to this. As a result, the accused hit the woman once in the face and caused her a slight bodily injury accompanied by an incomplete fracture of the nasal bone.

After the incident, Malahat Babashova appealed to the police and her brother Ugur was held criminally responsible.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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