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HomeLatest Newsa beautiful city for a getaway less than an hour from Santander

a beautiful city for a getaway less than an hour from Santander

As the end of summer approaches, many have decided to plan a last-minute getaway to discover one more destination before returning to work. And the north of Spain has a large number of cities and enclaves that are home to natural treasures, unique history and unique places to visit.

This is the case of the autonomous community of Cantabria, which hides, just half an hour from its capital Santander, one of the most striking cities in the region. It is none other than Puente Viesgo, a municipality in the Valles Pasiegos region that stands out for its cave art and for the fact that it is almost entirely crossed by the Pas River.

The history of Puente Viesgo

Although today it is one of the main attractions of Cantabria, human presence in the territory dates back more than 150,000 years, as demonstrated by the remains from the Paleolithic and Bronze Age still preserved in its caves.

In the Middle Ages, several documents mention the enclave, but mainly those belonging to the abbey of Santa Cruz de Castañeda and that of Santillana del Mar. They refer to the bridge over the Pas River, which would end up giving its name to the town.

The town experienced a strong socio-economic development during the 17th and 18th centuries, when large mansions were built and the hot springs present in the area became known. During the 20th century, the tourist influx to Puente Viesgo increased exponentially, so much so that personalities such as monarchs, artists and writers came to the enclave to enjoy its hot springs and the hidden rocky remains of Monte Castillo.

The prehistoric caves of Puente Viesgo

At the top of the Sierra de Dobra, a few minutes from the center of Puente Viesgo, is Monte Castillo. There are four significant rock caves, such as El Castillo, Las Monedas, La Pasiega and Las Chimeneas.

The mountain not only has prehistoric caves, but also an ascending path that passes through viewpoints and remains of abandoned mining operations. Upon reaching the summit, it is possible to see a cross, a virgin and the remains of a castle, which is why the enclave receives this name.

Although all the caves have been declared World Heritage Sites by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), only two of them are open to the public; Las Monedas Cave and El Castillo Cave.

The first cave, which owes its name to some coins hidden in the enclave during the mandate of the Catholic Monarchs, also has remains from the Paleolithic and the Iron and Bronze Ages.

The second presents some of the rare Pleistocene remains found in Cantabria, as well as multiple bone fragments closely linked to death-related rituals.

The other two caves in the complex, La Pasiega and Las Chimeneas, have restricted access to the public for reasons of conservation and protection against possible damage, as their deterioration is greater.

The Puente Viesgo Spa

Since the 18th century, Puente Viesgo has had a spa that uses the thermal waters of the spring, declared of public utility in 1862. Its warm and relaxing waters are recommended for skin care and in the treatment of heart or nervous system diseases.

In the 20th century, during the rise of the thermal baths, the space was one of the leisure places of personalities of the time, such as the Marquis of Comillas, Benito Pérez Galdós or Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo. However, over time, the spa was abandoned until its reopening in the early 90s, when it was bought by a private businessman, who transformed it into a hotel.

The Puente Viesgo greenway

The town of Puente Viesgo is surrounded by a path called Vía Verde, a path developed for pedestrians and cyclists, resulting from the rehabilitation of disused infrastructure, mainly the railway lines that crossed the town and connected Ontaneda to Astillero in ancient times.

Along the route it is possible to find the Puente Viesgo station, used for decades for the transport of goods, as well as one of its canopies with a large typical wall clock on its façade.

As the tour continues, it is possible to see an old locomotive engine, called “La Reyerta”, exhibited next to a small playground and rest area.

So, following the path, we find the Corrobarceno Park, a large recreational space located on the banks of the Pas River. From there you can see both the Puente Viesgo dam and the wooden bridge that crosses the river.

Continuing along the Greenway, it is possible to distinguish several natural and architectural jewels, such as Monte Castillo or the Franciscan monastery of Soto Iruz, and later the church of Villasevil de Toranzo and the aqueduct of Santiurde de Toranzo, although it is possible to enjoy these constructions there. will be to leave the town of Puente Viesgo.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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