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HomeLatest NewsEmployment aims to promote permanent contracts in the hotel industry

Employment aims to promote permanent contracts in the hotel industry

The data show that unemployment is now lower than a year ago and that social security affiliation has increased. “However, we cannot fall into complacency”, because there are “negative” figures that must be “corrected”, such as the “high” unemployment of young people, acknowledged yesterday the Minister of Industry, Trade and Employment, Leticia García, in her appearance in the Cortes to explain her action programme as the new head of department, specifying that “the priority” is employment. It is, he defended, “the best quality of social policy” and “the key to social and territorial cohesion”, as well as “essential in the fight against depopulation”. And training is also “key”, both for the unemployed and for workers, “to adapt to a changing productive scenario”.

And as part of these measures for “continue to encourage” job creation and support for small and medium-sized enterprises, The councilor said that they would promote the hiring of unemployed people for an indefinite period and full time, “with special attention to the hotel sector”, precisely one of those that has the most difficulty finding staff. In addition, he proposes aid to self-employed workers to “put” the first worker on the payroll, “the improvement” of employment conditions for women by supporting the extension of working hours and encouraging their hiring in more masculinized sectors, as well as the objective of 6,600 unemployed people “to have a job opportunity by starting a business.

Specifically, for the self-employed, a “priority group in the economy” but “aging”, García announced that a plan was being developed to facilitate generational change.

Reindustrialization, commitment to emerging sectors such as digital content, a plan to prevent absenteeism at work or another for the protection and fight against fires in industrial areas will also concentrate the actions of the ministry. Without losing sight, he stressed, of trade, “especially” retail and rural trade, for which a strategic plan will be developed, in addition to legal changes to adapt the sector to new consumer habits.

On the part of the opposition, continued references to Vox, in which the ministry fell until July and with the president of the Council, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco, in the spotlight“There is still a lot of work to do to “repair, repair so much damage caused in these two years,” said socialist Alicia Palomo. in a speech in a sort of mixture of lime and sand: “Music can sound very good, but you have to put the lyrics, move from words and good intentions to actions.” And from Vox, Ignacio Sicilia, who appreciated that the councilor “supported almost all the programs” of his predecessor, but again criticized the fact that “the first thing” was to “return the privileges” to unions and employers.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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