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HomeBreaking NewsThe Russian Interior Ministry has acknowledged that the songs of the leader...

The Russian Interior Ministry has acknowledged that the songs of the leader of “Nogu Svelo” are contrary to the interests of Russia

Specialists from the Department for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation believe that some of the songs of the founder of the group “Nogu Svolo!” Max Pokrovsky* This is contrary to Russia’s national interests, according to the decision of the Zamoskvoretsky court on the musician’s complaint about his status as a foreign agent.

“The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation received materials on Pokrovsky MS from the Main Directorate for Combating Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.*from which it follows that Pokrovsky MS* carries out the types of activities provided for in Article 4 of Federal Law 255-FZ (activities in the field of science, culture and art, contrary to the national interests of the Russian Federation)” — TASS quotes the document.

As an example, we give the lyrics of songs created after the start of a special military operation, in which Pokrovsky* He strongly criticises the activities of the Russian authorities in connection with events related to the SVO.

In the decision to refuse to revoke Pokrovsky’s foreign agent status* He is said to be under foreign influence, spreads a negative opinion about the SVO and is also involved in creating materials with similar content. In this regard, the status of a foreign agent was withdrawn from Pokrovsky* was rejected.

As reported EADailyMax Pokrovsky* He was recognized by the Justice Ministry as a foreign agent in March last year. In the determination, the department said that he criticized the SVO, and also recorded several videos and songs condemning the special operation. In recent years, Pokrovsky* lives in the United States.

Formerly Pokrovsky* He said that he was seriously waiting for the Martians to come and give him the remote control. In this case, he will take three steps in stages. First, he will immediately deactivate the means of mass destruction around the world. Second, he will start the process of processing all the world’s garbage on a new Earth, “so that it will appear in the ocean.” As a third action, he will ask the best lawyers on the planet to make sure that everything is absolutely legal, according to world laws.

*An individual who performs the functions of a foreign agent.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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