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HomeLatest NewsRepeat scammer takes over home after posing as foreign buyer's partner

Repeat scammer takes over home after posing as foreign buyer’s partner

The National Police arrested a repeat offender who appropriate of a accommodation in Alicante who put his man after playing intermediate between a foreign buyer and a real estate company. His victim came to pay 47,000 euros and after discovering the deception, he threatened to falsely report him for gender-based violence.

For the scam, the arrested woman took advantage of the fact that the victim lived outside Spain and forced of an accusation of mistreatment even though they had never had a romantic relationship.

It all goes back to 2023, when the tenant of a house belonging to this man who was the victim of a scam in the city of Valencia, refused to pay the rent under various excuses.

Given this, the owner, interested in selling the house in Valencia and acquiring a house in Alicante, proposed to his tenant to look for an affordable house in this city to buy and cheaper than the one in Valencia, offering him the possibility of going to live in this new house and leaving the one in Valencia, lowering the rental price so that he could pay.

The tenant quickly accepted her landlord’s offer and found a property located in Alicante, which the buyer liked, starting the purchase and sale procedures with the real estateThe tenant offered to act as an intermediary since the buyer, an Algerian national, lived outside Spain and also did not know the Spanish language.

Apparently, the victim and her tenant went to the real estate agency, where the woman carried the brunt of the negotiation at all times, reaching pretend even if both they were a couple and that they bought the house to live together, the buyer being unaware of this, due to the language barrier, which turned out to be totally false, as the subsequent police investigation revealed.

So, a few days later, they went back to the real estate agency and both formalized the reservation, in which the tenant appeared as his owner, which a priori did not seem strange to the buyer.

THE millimeter strategy designed by the tenant was taking shape when she took advantage of the fact that her landlord was returning to his country to go back to the real estate agency and ask for the keys to the house reserved under the pretext of moving, the managers of the real estate agency having access to them.

Later, around May of this year, the real estate company received the transfer that the buyer had made from his country for the total purchase and sale, the procedures began. notarial proceduresmaking the tenant appear as single buyer of the property in the public deed of acquisition.

When the victim discovered the mistake and that she had been scammed, she told her tenant that she intended to report what had happened, even though she told her tenant that she would. would require for a crime of violence of genderthreatening him that this type of crime in Spain was highly punishable, a fact that he even made concrete.

Finally, the victim decided to report the facts, and the Judicial Police officers of the Provincial Police Station took charge of the investigations. Alicantewho managed to clarify the facts and arrest the person under investigation, as the alleged perpetrator of the crimes of fraud and coercion, who had already background previous events related to events with similar characteristics, some of which are related to the usurpation of real estate.

Following the arrest of the alleged perpetrator, a 26-year-old woman of Algerian nationality, the entire file was made available to the investigating courts of the same municipality where she was arrested.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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