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The court made a decision on the gangsters who took the gas hostage

A hearing on the appeal against the decision of Ruslan Askerov, Ismayil Badalov, Elshan Mammadrzayev, Islam Bayramov and Kamil Gadimov, accused of kidnapping, was held at the Supreme Court. reports that the decision was announced at the trial presided over by Judge Aziz Seyidov.

According to the decision, the appeal was withdrawn.

It should be noted that according to official information, it was revealed that Mikayil Mikayilov, who was robbed by gangsters and received 30,000 manats from his father, participated in the Patriotic War.

Thus, Mr. Mikayilov entered the war together with his aunt’s son. In the course of the battles, his aunt’s son was martyred and Mikayil participated in the war until the end. He brought two “F-1” grenades and lighters when he came from the front to the village of Lakiçilpag in Goychay district, where he lives, to attend his aunt’s party, and buried them in the yard of his house.

After completing his military service and returning to his home village, Mikayil told his friend Ismail that he had two grenades and wanted to sell them. And Ismayil made a plan to scare Mikayil and take money from his family by taking him hostage. To do this, he asked his fellow villager Islam for help. Islam also told his friends about the matter. Thus a group of 5 people was formed.

After that, the group members convinced Mikayil that his friend Ismayil and Bayram had played a positive role in his release and promised to give an additional $20,000 to those people. However, after a while, Mikayil realized that he had been tricked and learned that the incident was organized by Ismail Bayram, and he contacted the law enforcement authorities about the incident.

144 (kidnapping), 178.2.1 (commission of fraud by pre-conspirators), 180 (robbery), 182.3.2 (demand by threat) of the Criminal Code against the persons accused by the investigating body 228 (illegal possession of weapons). By the verdict of the Baku Serious Crimes Court of 5 November 2022, Ruslan Askerov was sentenced to 11 years, Ismayil Badalov – 11 years, Elshan Mammadrzayev – 11 years, Islam Bayramov – 11 years, and Kamil Gadimov – 10 years and 6 months. The Baku Court of Appeal did not accept the appeal of the accused gang members.

It should be noted that Mikayil Mikayilov, who attempted to import and sell illegal weapons of war, was also investigated and a criminal case was opened.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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