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HomeLatest NewsMan arrested in Valencia for euthanizing his 14-year-old dog

Man arrested in Valencia for euthanizing his 14-year-old dog

The man killed the dog by choking her with a rope and claimed he didn’t want to see her suffer and didn’t know it was a crime, but he is charged with animal abuse.

A civil guard next to a patrol car during an intervention ABC

A man was arrested in Valencia for carrying out euthanasia without a veterinary report on his female dog of 14 years old major, saying he did not want him to suffer because of his health condition and not knowing that it was a crime, although he is accused of animal abuse, as reported by the Civil Guard.

The arrested man killed the dog by suffocating it with a rope on his own land and buried it on his own plot.

Having learned what had happened, investigators from the Civil Guard They identified the person responsible and, informing him that this behavior could constitute a crime, he said that he was doing it to “avoid it age suffering” to the bitch. The agents verified that the animal was buried in this same plot and that it corresponded to the specimen reported.

Furthermore, the person concerned stated that he was unaware that such an act could constitute a crime. He is a 37-year-old man of Spanish nationality.

From the Armed Institute, they recalled that animal euthanasia must be evaluated by a veterinary report in which it is specified that the death of the animal is caused for the sole purpose of avoiding suffering due to irrecoverable causes This seriously compromises the animal’s quality of life. This report must be issued by a veterinary professional. collegiate.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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