Friday, September 20, 2024 - 2:26 pm
HomeBreaking NewsAziz Orujov's prison sentence is extended

Aziz Orujov’s prison sentence is extended

The pre-trial detention period of Aziz Orujov, director of the Internet television channel “Kanal13”, has been extended for another three months.

His wife Lamiya Cherpanova told Report about this.

He said that the decision on the extension of the preventive measure against A. Orujov was made by the Sabail District Court.

It should be noted that A. Orujov was arrested on November 27 last year. A criminal case was opened against him under Article 188.2 of the Criminal Code (arbitrary construction on a land plot without the right of ownership, use or lease established by law) and he was detained as a suspect.

Last year, on November 28, during the trial held in the Sabail District Court, A. Orujov was remanded in custody.

He was subsequently charged with a new charge under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code (smuggling, when committed by a group of persons who had previously conspired).


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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