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PP maneuvers “in extremis” and abandons the law of concord agreed in April with Vox

The Concord Bill presented in April in the PP and Vox Cortes will be debated in plenary session of the Cortes of Castilla y León next week despite the Popular Party’s attempt to avoid it in the Council and the College of Presidents of the Chamber which met this Thursday.

The regional parliament witnessed an unprecedented situation when The Popular Group tried to delay the debate on the controversial law requesting that the Consultative Council prepare a report on the initiative, a measure that the PSOE had already been demanding months ago but which was then rejected by the PP-Vox majority, so that the request was not accepted.

Subsequently, in the Council of Spokespersons, the Popular Group, Ricardo Gavilanes, announced that he was withdrawing from the bill, which forced the Council (the supreme body of the Chamber) to meet again and before the request of all the groups, except the PP, which will debate the law of concord, decided that it would be done in plenary session next Wednesday.

The anger of Vox, which has 13 lawyers, was monumental to the point that its spokesman and former vice-president of the Council, Juan García-Gallardo, warned that the PP’s decision represents “a turning point” in their relations in the face of what he called “kicking and tripping”.Mañueco broke his word with a carefully considered law and consensual and now they come out with a trap that went wrong,” García-Gallardo said.

For his part, PP spokesman Ricardo Gavilanes confirmed that Your group’s position will be contrary to the law currently being examined in Parliament. on the pretext that they believe that a report from the Consultative Commission is necessary, which the Council already rejected in May.

Everything indicates that the bill of concord presented in April by PP and Vox and which would mean the repeal of the decree on the historical memory of Castilla y León, will begin its processing on Wednesday once Vox (the promoter) and the rest of the groups (including the PSOE) accept its consideration, while the PP, which signed the initiative, has finally withdrawn.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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