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HomeLatest NewsRovira ERC backers pick Xavier Godàs and Alba Camps to challenge Junqueras...

Rovira ERC backers pick Xavier Godàs and Alba Camps to challenge Junqueras for leadership

Oriol Junqueras already knows his main rival in the internal process of the ERC to lead the party. The candidacy of Nova Esquerra Nacional, similar to the current secretary general Marta Rovira, will compete in the primaries with the tandem between Xavier Godàs and Alba Camps, two names that are not among the party’s heavyweights in the last stage.

Godàs, who will assume the presidency of the party, is the former mayor of Vilassar de Dalt, he was general director of Civic and Community Action in the last legislature and his specialty is community policy. Camps, who will be secretary general, was a member of Parliament between 2015 and 2021 and until June she was a government delegate in Central Catalonia. She is also a member of the current party executive as secretary for political coherence.

The other two names that this republican current has made known, whose positions would depend on the presidency, are Raquel Sans and Teresa Jordàs. The first, current spokesperson of the party, would be vice-president of International Affairs, while the second, vice-president of Internal Cohesion.

After the electoral setback that left it without the presidency of the Generalitat, the ERC is in a process of renewing its leadership that has led to a bitter internal dispute. The two main sectors in conflict are those that until recently shared the leadership: that of Rovira, who will leave the secretary general when the congress is held, and that of Junqueras, who aspires to regain the position he held for more than a decade.

The open confrontation between the two parties has intensified further after the existence within the ERC of a group dedicated to dirty propaganda against its political rivals became public. Rovira’s close associates have not hesitated to accuse Junqueras of being behind the publication of this information, which places the party leadership in the know of actions such as the posters against Ernest Maragall.

In addition to the candidacy of Nova Esquerra Nacional and Junqueras, Militància Decidim, two other candidates are in the running for the primaries. On the one hand, that of the former advisor Alfred Bosch, and on the other, that of the Colectiu Primer d’Ocubre.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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