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HomeBreaking NewsExpensive reservoirs turn into puddles - EADaily, September 19, 2024 - Economic...

Expensive reservoirs turn into puddles – EADaily, September 19, 2024 – Economic news, European news

In Krakow, reservoirs worth millions are collapsing due to the rains and, according to city residents, are turning into ordinary, albeit very deep, puddles. Gazeta reports this today, September 19.

After heavy rains, a reservoir in Nowa Huta in Krakow collapsed. The investment, which cost millions of Polish zlotys, did not materialize when it should have fulfilled its main objective. Now to the mayor of Krakow. Alexander Mishalsky become a scapegoat.

According to Gazeta Krakowska, due to the rains that hit Krakow over the weekend, the new reservoir built in Nowa Huta simply collapsed. It is important to note that the main purpose of the investment in Folwarczna Street was to collect excess rainwater and protect the area from flooding.

“We will explain the reasons for this incident; the incident is already being analysed,” — the mayor tried to justify himself

Photos shared on social media by Krakow residents show a cracked openwork structure and the sunken edges of the reservoir.

“This is a reservoir in Krakow, on Folwarczna Street. It was built less than two months ago and was supposed to protect Nowa Huta from flooding. In total we spent 11 million zlotys (2.57 million euros) on it and another similar reservoir. EADaily),” wrote a Krakow resident. Łukasz Gibala on social media.

“What happened during the first heavy rain? The water simply flowed through the tank, which collapsed and left… a puddle.” — the Pole continued indignantly.

EADaily also previously reported how Polish authorities took several days to notify the population at risk.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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