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Izquierda Unida demands in a motion the removal of wiring in the historic center of Toledo

The councilor of Izquierda Unida-Podemos at the City Hall of Toledo, Txema Fernandezwill defend two motions at the next plenary session that he hopes will be reflected in the next municipal budgets “which we assume must be in preparation even if we do not know their state of progress”. The first of these motions concerns the elimination or integration of overhead or façade wiring in the Historic centerboth in telephony and electricity. Fernández recalls that “opportunities have been lost to fulfill the obligation” with the works carried out, such as those of the Calle Comercio, Sillería, Descalzos, Plaza de Tendillas, Amador de los Ríos and even Alfileritos which is currently under construction, not to mention buildings like the Gymnastics School or Food Market Pavilion“In no project are the contractors asked to eliminate the wiring,” Fernández complains, “nor to be buried, nor integrated into cabinets, nor even hidden with paint.”

And, he emphasizes, “this is not a whim” but rather an aspect regulated in the specific modification 8 of the PECHT, in its article 1.22.5 which indicates that the City Hall “will favor the underground channeling of service networks, in order to completely eliminate the aerial installation of cables, antennas and other conduits currently existing.

The spokesman for Izquierda Unida also recalls that in 2019 the City Council signed an agreement with Telefónica for the removal of fiber optics from the Historic Center with an execution period that ends in 2026, “and we are in the third quarter of 2024 and it has not been removed from the streets, on the contrary, in some cases it has doubled,” he denounces. Txema Fernandez.

“There are works that have been carried out that we doubt will be reopened for these purposes in a year and a half; much less a year before the elections,” predicts the Izquierda Unida councilor. That is why he asks in the motion that the Consortium, which receives funding from the three administrations (state, regional and local), “be responsible for seeking funding to undertake the necessary work to eliminate or camouflage the wiring.” “We boast of being a world heritage site, of the best night or street photos, but we do not put any effort into it,” Fernández complains.

The second proposal of Izquierda Unida for the next plenary session demands that 2025 budgets include investments to recover green lungs of the city such as La Bastida, Fuente del Moro or the Park of the Three Cultures. “Our proposal is that the spaces of Toledo be naturalized, because green infrastructures are essential for cities to develop with a vision of sustainability, and many spaces are considered without these criteria, as is the case in La Legua,” he said. Txema Fernandez.

The Izquierda Unida councilor understands that the PP and the PSOE “will vote for” because the former has already supported measures in this sense in the last legislature and the latter, who “voted against us with the non-affiliated Vox councilor, “It seems that they are now developing an environmental conscience.” The creation and adaptation of green spaces with accessibility criteria for people with disabilities, children and people with animals as well as the elderly; the ban on the use of glyphosate and other herbicides or carcinogenic products; and financing a wildlife protection program with the installation of small nesting boxes, are some of the measures proposed in this motion.

In addition, it includes a commitment to a project based on the circular economy such as composting in clean points or in neighborhood communities that wish to promote it, so that the use of natural organic fertilizers replaces chemical fertilizers.

“We want the budgets for 2025 to have the Environment as one of their fundamental pillars,” he defended. Txema Fernandezso that “the green spaces of Toledo are cleaned, enhanced and constitute a fundamental element of the life of the inhabitants of Toledo.”


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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