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The opposition accuses Ayuso of “doubling the debt” in Madrid while “giving gifts” to the rich and “underpaying” doctors and teachers

Regional financing and the complaints of the Ayuso government about the “mistreatment” that, according to the PP leaders, the government of Pedro Sánchez inflicts on Madrid focused much of the debate in the plenary session of the Madrid Assembly held this Thursday. During the control session, both Más Madrid and the PSOE accused the president of the region and her Minister of Economy, Rocío Albert, of doubling and even tripling the region’s debt, as revealed by in its information on Thursday in which it is noted that the government The Madrid City Council, according to the Budget Stability Reports of the Ministry of Finance, has increased its spending in 2023 “by 12%, for the purposes of the spending rule”. All this while eliminating taxes to favor the most privileged classes in the capital. The two opposition groups accused them of continuing to insist on “playing the victim” and repeating “like a mantra” that Madrid is “underfunded” and regretted that, on the other hand, the Community “pays teachers and doctors poorly”.

The first to attack Ayuso was PSOE spokesman Juan Lobato, who accused her of having increased the debt in 2023 to 36 billion euros while “spending six times on tax gifts” to the benefit of the richest. Lobato, who stressed once again that Ayuso is “obsessed” with Sánchez, demanded that the regional president use the money she gives to the rich to pay “decent salaries to doctors and teachers.” “It’s not about slogans,” “that Spain is breaking up and the government is stealing from us,” because “that’s a lie,” Lobato said. “Don’t say that Madrid is being mistreated and that you’re going to Moncloa to sing for him.” [a Pedro Sánchez] “forty,” he joked (referring to what the mayor of Madrid said this Wednesday), to finally ask Ayuso for “greater institutional loyalty.”

The regional president, in turn, accused the PSOE spokesman of “demagogy” and invited him to “be brave” and dare to stand up to Sánchez as “Javier Lambán – former president of Aragon -, Joaquín.” Leguina or Felipe González do. Later, she told him that she knew that “he is not a criminal” and that it is precisely for this reason “that he is condemned by Sanchism”, deepening the wound of his possible dismissal from office at the PSOE Regional Congress in Madrid. That said, he stressed: “Here, I leave you this advice. So at least when he goes down in history, we can say that he fought for Spain and for Madrid.

Ayuso insisted that the only thing he asks of the socialists is that “Spain does not disintegrate” nor “the common fund”, recalling that of the 50 billion that the Community of Madrid collects thanks to the efforts of the people of Madrid, only 17 billion remain in the region and the rest “goes to the state coffers” and goes to “those who literally hate Spain”.

Plus Madrid: “It’s a lie, Madrid is not underfunded”

Shortly after, the deputy of Más Madrid, Emilio Delgado, also strongly accused the Minister of Economy of Ayuso, Rocío Albert. “It is a lie. Madrid is not underfunded. When you look at the budget executed, you see that when the money arrives, it is not that Madrid is well treated, it is that it is the Community that has received the most money in all of Spain. “It is sad to see you crying in the corridors.” “Mature and do your homework because Madrid does not have time to lose more legislatures with you while they accuse third parties,” the deputy of Más Madrid, Emilio Delgado, told the regional councilor.

Albert, in turn, responded, insisted on this mistreatment and said that the government owed Madrid “1 billion” from the competitiveness fund, money that Catalonia receives in exchange. He also accused the central government of having “increased the taxes of the people of Madrid 69 times”, which, according to him, has suffocated the economy of the region.


Jeffrey Roundtree
Jeffrey Roundtree
I am a professional article writer and a proud father of three daughters and five sons. My passion for the internet fuels my deep interest in publishing engaging articles that resonate with readers everywhere.


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