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HomeBreaking News“Pernod Ricard” could not hide the peak of “ARARAT” in Russia -...

“Pernod Ricard” could not hide the peak of “ARARAT” in Russia – EADaily, September 19, 2024 – Economic News, Russian News

The other day, EADaily wrote that according to the results of a joint study by the Russian Anti-Counterfeiting Association and the Russian Union of Cognac, Liqueur and Alcoholic Beverage Producers, almost 90% of Armenian cognacs sold in Russian stores are unsafe, and about half of alcoholic products do not contain grape alcohol.

We also recall that the famous French alcohol production company Pernod Ricard, which exports Armenian cognac under the ARARAT brand, announced in May 2023 that it was leaving the Russian market and ceasing the export of alcoholic beverages to the Russian Federation due to the Special Military Operation , which is being carried out by the Russian Federation. Thus, the actions of the French company Pernod Ricard were dictated by the logic of Western sanctions against the Russian Federation.

However, as reported EADaily According to industry experts, Pernod Ricard has not stopped supplying alcoholic beverages to the Russian market, and according to sources, it was during the investigation of Pernod Ricard brandy products under the ARARAT brand that Russian organizations recorded violations.

In addition, we learned that in the context of this incident, the company’s shareholders expressed their discontent, which in the future could have negative consequences for the company as a whole, since, we recall, it officially announced its withdrawal from the Russian market a year ago, but now it turns out that it continues to sell its products in the Russian Federation.

Official statement from Pernod Ricard.

At the time of writing the last article, we were unable to obtain any comment from Pernod Ricard, but soon the press secretary of the Yerevan brandy factory, Zaruhi Saribekyan, contacted us. But at the same time, as they say, she neither refuted nor confirmed our information.

Here is a transcript of the conversation, judge for yourself:

— There have been recent problems with Armenian cognac in Russia. According to our information, a discrepancy in the quality of Pernod Ricard products has been detected. How would you comment on this information?

“I don’t have the information you’re talking about at hand, I can’t comment on anything.”

— So, you are not aware of the information that about 90% of Armenian cognac sold in the Russian Federation has problems with non-compliance with quality standards and your products are among them?

-You are right, but only partially. Therefore, I cannot comment on this at this time.

— Last question: does your answer mean that Pernod Ricard supplies its products to the Russian market?

– We have gone beyond the scope of your question we were discussing. If you have any additional questions on this, I would be happy to answer them in writing.


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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