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PP accuses “Sánchez’s inaction” and denounces the government’s “lack of plan” on immigration

While the arrival of migrants does not stop in Ceuta or the Canary Islands, the main opposition group to the central government, the Popular Party (PP), continues to criticize the President of the Executive for the absence of “a plan to resolve the situation suffered by the autonomous communities”. In fact, it assures that they are “saturated” to “respond to the migratory crisis” for which it holds Pedro Sánchez directly responsible.

The socialist is on a tour of Africa, where he has already visited Mauritania, Gambia and Senegal. At the first stop, Sánchez highlighted the circular migration as a measure to alleviate the phenomenon of irregular migration in Spain. Which led the spokesperson of the popular parties in the Congress of Deputies on Thursday to accuse the socialist of offering “Spain as a work destination to 250,000 irregular African migrants” and of “encouraging departures” from the countries of origin “while Germany and France” They speak of mass deportations.

This issue had not been addressed by the president during his various visits this week, but it was in the Senegalese capital – Dakar – that he did so for the first time. There, he considered that they are “essential” for those who arrived irregularly. A change of discourse that was also criticized from Genoa this Thursday. “What is the government’s policy in this regard?”asked popular spokesman Borja Semper in a radio interview.

“Beyond confirming that the government has no plan to stop the arrival of immigrants on our shores at source, we expect an apology from those who They questioned our “moral high ground”, “of those who called us xenophobic and of those who said that the extreme right was in the lead,” other PP sources denounced to LaSexta.

And this Wednesday, the Minister of Housing, Isabel Rodriguez, called “moral turpitude” a tweet shared by the PP leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, in which he criticized that “instead of going to Africa to fight the mafias, Sánchez promotes Spain as a destination.” In this sense, his counterpart at Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, also spoke out, who did not hesitate to accuse the popular of “embrace the most xenophobic theses of the extreme right”.

Faced with these arrows from the central government, this Thursday morning, from Genoa, they insist that they are neither “with the irresponsibility in matters of immigration of the government of Pedro Sánchez nor with the more intransigent position of the other parties”. Regarding the first question, they emphasize that the Executive “not only does not have a plan but also refuses to meet with the representatives of the State in the autonomies throughout the Conference of Presidents“.

A meeting that the people have been demanding for “months to address this issue” and that the government reiterated last Tuesday – after the Council of Ministers – that it would be held in September. Among the arguments put forward by the opposition to reach a long-term agreement between the regions on migration, we can mention the fact that “This phenomenon is not typical of this year or of the past, but rather it will be a phenomenon that will continue in the years to come.”Semper recalled.

Concretely, the popular spokesperson refers to the distribution of migrant minors in various autonomous communities that the PP opposed before the summer holidays Reject immigration reformThis therefore requires “a set of measures that must be implemented with the awareness that we are dealing with human beings and not parcels to be delivered.”

In fact, he once again justified the “no” of his party in the Congress of Deputies to the aforementioned reform: “The Spanish government offers the autonomous communities funding for unaccompanied minors for one year, but what about the rest? “Aren’t these young people going to get treatment for their stupidity?” Semper asked again.




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