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HomeLatest NewsThird Gibraltar Ministerial Summit Ends Without Agreement but With 'Further' Progress

Third Gibraltar Ministerial Summit Ends Without Agreement but With ‘Further’ Progress

There was no agreement although “further progress”. This is how the third meeting at the highest level to try to conclude a treaty on Gibraltar and its integration into the European Union (EU) after Brexit.

It was a four-way meeting: the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, Maros Sefcovic, and the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation.Jose Manuel Albaresand the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, David Lammy, and the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabien Picardo.

In the footage released of the meeting, it is striking that the British delegation It is much more important than that of the European Commission and Spain.

What was the third meeting at political level and the first in this format with the new british labour governmentdid not register at least one U-turn compared to what the previous British executive had already agreed at the meetings at the same level held on April 12 and May 16.

“The conversations held today were constructive and productive, which will lead to further progress on complex negotiating issues, in particular on issues relating to people and goods,” the European Commission and the governments of Spain and the United Kingdom said in a joint press release, as they have done on several occasions.

“The meeting reaffirmed the shared commitment to reaching an EU-UK agreement that brings confidence, legal certainty and stability to people across the region,” safeguard legal positions of each party,” they add.

The parties, they add, have agreed to remain in permanent contact and that the The teams work closely and intensively together on outstanding issues.

In an appearance before the media, Albares explained that the progress recorded this Thursday was in “fundamental aspects”: the freedom of movement of people and goods.

“There is still technical work to be done on very practical aspects. We have agreed to continue working and redouble its intensity in the coming weeks to be able, once and for all, to conclude this agreement as soon as possible. On the part of Spain, our totally constructive position to reach this agreement has been clearly expressed, making it clear that we consider it good for the 300,000 Andalusians who live in the Campo de Gibraltar and for Gibraltar that there is freedom of movement of people and goods, but, of course, we must at the same time ensure that controls within the Schengen area and the customs union are respected and applied in exactly the same way”, indicated.

The Spanish foreign minister added that the parties had agreed not to enter “too many details publicly because nothing is agreed until there is an agreement” and announced that he would convene, as he has done before, the Mayors of Campo de Gibraltar and the Junta from Andalusia to explain the situation after this Thursday’s meeting.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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