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HomeBreaking NewsProduction of highly sought-after weapons has multiplied - EADaily, September 19, 2024...

Production of highly sought-after weapons has multiplied – EADaily, September 19, 2024 – Politics News, Russian News

Production of particularly popular air defence weapons has increased, and their tactical and technical characteristics have been improved and adapted to the specifics of combat use, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission on the development of special-purpose unmanned aerial vehicles.

He noted that “the enterprises of the defence-industrial complex are working rhythmically, accurately and doing everything necessary to supply the troops participating in the special military operation with modern weapons, equipment, ammunition and equipment.”

“Thanks to the efforts of the industry’s workers, the production of particularly popular models has increased several times over, and their tactical and technical characteristics have been improved and adapted to the specifics of combat use.” – the Russian leader said.

“I would like to especially highlight the specialists of the defence industry who, taking risks on an equal footing with military personnel, risking their health and lives in a combat zone, not only repair the equipment and return it to service as soon as possible, but also, possessing unique knowledge, offer design solutions for its improvement – ​​in terms of firing range, accuracy, etc. I take note of this and would like to express special gratitude.” – added the president.

According to him, “it is very important that today the so-called people’s defence industry has joined the ranks of powerful defence enterprises”, which are “representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, talented young engineers and specialists.”


Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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