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HomeBreaking News"Spain is very far from promoting a coup in Venezuela"

“Spain is very far from promoting a coup in Venezuela”

The lawyer of Edmundo GonzalezJosé Vicente Haro, rejected the accusations made in recent hours by the PP, first by Esteban González Pons and then supported by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, against the government of Pedro Sánchez of being “involved in the coup in Venezuela.”

“No coup d’état has been fomented. Anyone who says so should report to the relevant authorities. We are very far from that. It would be political speculation.“, he assured in statements on the program Hour 14 of the Ser Chain.

Haro recalled that both Edmundo Gonzalez and the majority that demonstrated at the polls “The least they want is for it to be a coup d’état but rather a political transition,” democratic, peaceful and meeting”.

Furthermore, he defended that he I had no idea about the document signed by Edmundo González recognize Nicolas Maduro’s victory and denounced having done so under duress.

In the same vein, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares insisted this Thursday from Brussels that “The Spanish government had nothing to do with the negotiations of any document or any other type of agreement” between Edmundo González and the Maduro regime.

The head of Spanish diplomacy did not want to explain the reason for the presence of the Venezuelan vice-president. Delcy Rodriguez and his brother at the residence of the Spanish ambassador in Caracas, but suggested that It was the opposition leader himself who invited them..

“The Spanish Ambassador He had precise instructions not to infringe on Edmundo Gonzalez’s freedom. “to be able to talk, manage, have meetings with whoever he wants,” Albares said.

“We have at all times left – the only thing that was missing – to Edmundo González the total freedom to speak, receive and meet with whoever he wanted. I am not going to go into more details that are suitable for Edmundo González to answer, but of course what I can tell you is that anyone who came to meet him, none of them, came at the request of the Spanish government, nor was it the Spanish ambassador who invited them to enter,” insisted the head of Spanish diplomacy.

Regarding the presence of the ambassador in the photograph that captures the meeting of the opposition leader with the Rodriguez brothers, Albares said that “what must also be clear is that The ambassador and Edmundo González shared the same physical space. There is only one room, it was the same house, but he scrupulously respected these procedures,” he said. However, he did not want to clarify when he learned that the opposition leader had signed the document recognizing Nicolas Maduro’s victory.

“The Spanish government has not participated in any type of negotiation between Edmundo González and the government of Venezuela. It has not participated in the drafting, design, elaboration of any type of document that could have been established between Edmundo González and the government of Venezuela, the Spanish government has not participated in any political negotiation,” Albares insisted.

The Foreign Minister also stressed that “no one has asked the Spanish government, and we would not have accepted it, no political compensation so that Edmundo González could be happy and as he wished in Spain.”

“The only contacts that the Spanish government had with the Venezuelan government were exclusively to be able to land the Spanish Air Force plane in Caracas and that there were security guarantees so that the car of the Spanish embassy in that place “Edmundo González was traveling with the Spanish ambassador and could reach that plane safely, as it was, and reach Spain,” Albares defended.




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