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PSOE stifles complaint against Senegalese man for masturbating in Zaragoza swimming pool: “Vox is xenophobic”

The scandal that occurred this summer at the municipal swimming pool of La Lombarda (in the Las Delicias neighborhood), with a 23 year old Senegalese manwho broke into a bathroom to masturbate behind a woman, knocked the woman unconscious PSOE in Zaragoza this Thursday, who did not devote a single word to condemning this sexist event reported by a woman, because sexual behaviorOn the contrary, the socialist councilor tried to have the leader of Vox in Zaragoza, Julio Calvo, reprimanded by the PP, describing the intervention as “xenophobic“.

The embarrassing situation that a woman had to endure in the women’s toilets of some municipal swimming pools was revealed this Thursday by Vox in the Commission of the Presidency, Institutional Relations and Citizen Security. A truth that inflamed the PSOE spokesman, Rosa Maria Cihuelowho ignored this unpleasant event in his speech, to attack Vox. With these statements, Vox “is on the verge of danger,” he said, referring to the party leader in Zaragoza, Julio Calvo, after warning that he, like others, “violent episodes” are increasingly practiced by people “of Muslim origin”, as demonstrated by police reports in municipal swimming pools.

The reaction of the PSOE was also imitated by the communist councilor of Zaragoza en Común (ZEC), Suso Dominguezwho ironically echoed Vox’s comments, considering that the number of users of the pool “is increasing”, and that Calvo’s statements were in the direction of identifying “the origin with crime, ghettos, gangs”.

PP and Vox share the “concern”

However, the disproportionate attitude of the elected representatives of the left towards the words of the Vox candidate was such that the Minister of the Presidency, Institutional Relations and Citizen Security, Angel LorenIn turn, he defended Vox, recognizing that the problem expressed by Calvo was “a shared concern by municipal employees and unions.

“What Mr. Calvo said It’s totally objective. with what he has read on the agenda, but not only that, but his concern is shared by municipal employees and unions. Therefore, the tone you are giving to Mr. Calvo’s words is in no way appropriate. What he says is an absolutely objective fact and not overestimated,” Lorén argued.

In addition, Lorén criticized that the situation of insecurity “overcome” that the PSOE councilor recalled, “does not resemble the current one at all”, when the socialist recounted that many years ago there were conflicting episodes with syringes, with the police of the secret “The situation that you describe since the years that have passed since you have been responsible for it until now has nothing comparable. We have overcome the description that you have described and I am actually quite proud that it is different”, Lorén stressed.

In this regard, the advisor invited us to clarify whether Vox’s comment when it said that “something had to be done” referred to the revision of the order that regulates the use of swimming pools, “a request that some groups and even some unions have requested,” he noted. On this point, Calvo responded that it was a “matter to be evaluated” with the local police and other agents, in order to find a solution.

“Culture shock”

Calvo insisted that the problems encountered in municipal swimming pools are the result of “culture shock»: «We are no longer talking about crimes of theft, of robberies, which could be motivated by the circumstances in which these people found themselves, who perhaps when they arrived here they hoped to find other possibilities for development, for work, that then these conditions they did not find, finding themselves in greater difficulties than they initially thought, and finally they are forced by pure necessity to commit crimes, to steal.

“Here we are talking about people who frequent municipal swimming pools and who, in many cases, show disrespect, an attitude of defiance, insults,” for example, the reports describe that the person “is shown shouting, aggressive and violent” he added.

According to Vox, “we are unfortunately witnessing a culture shockpeople who come from other different cultures where all these civic behaviors or this courtesy that we have assumed in our country and in Europe, these people do not have this behavior.

This is why Calvo remembered the left after calling him “xenophobic.” Latest CEI barometerwhere “immigration is one of the first problems of the Spanish.” “I know, gentlemen of the left, that you have an aversion to the truth, because it breaks your ideological and mental patterns. If the truth contradicts their plans, perhaps they should review their plans,” he concluded.


MR. Ricky Martin
MR. Ricky Martin
I have over 10 years of experience in writing news articles and am an expert in SEO blogging and news publishing.


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