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“We are waiting for you here with open arms”

One of the most unknown provinces of Andalusia is Jaén. In fact, some time ago a video went viral in which Some young people said it was “the worst province” of the Andalusian community. “There are only olive trees” or “there is nothing in Jaén” are some of the comments. Something that does not seem to have pleased a teacher from Jaén, who used her TikTok profile to dismantle myths about the province of Jaén and affirm that the best thing about this province is its people. “We are waiting for you here with open arms,” ​​the teacher emphasizes.

The myths of Jaén dismantled by a professor

Although many people think that “there is nothing in Jaén” or that “there are only olive trees”, the truth is that this Andalusian province hides many more secrets than it seems. “It is one of the lungs of the Iberian Peninsula”, comments this professor under the pseudonym Lavinquehistoria. In this sense, Jaén “It is the province of Spain with the largest protected natural area”.

Specifically, the Sierra de Cazorla, Segura and Las Villas Park is the largest protected natural area in the country. In addition, in Jaén there is the the largest oleander forest in Europe.

@lavinquehistoria Tired of the mantra. In Jaén, there is everything. Know how to value and respect. The Holy Kingdom awaits you with its inner paradise. @Dani_viness Images by @buryrestaurante @delafuentecam @DANIESPEJO @Denis ♬ Cornfield Chase – Dorian Marko

These are the myths of Jaén that this professor dismantles on TikTok.


Jaén, a balcony to the stars

Jaen is “the region of the planet with the largest area certified as a ‘starlight’ astronomical reserve”said this teacher. In other words, “if you want to see the stars like in a real observatory, Jaén is your place,” explains the teacher from Jaén.


Jaén, the province with the most castles in Spain

Another of the singularities of Jaén is that it is the province of Spain that has the most castles in its territory. In this sense, in the province of Jaén we can find “one of the oldest castles in Europe”, that of Baños de la Encina. Here are also two of the most important fortifications of the Spanish Renaissancethe castle of Canena and that of Sabiote.


Islamic architecture of Jaén

Jaén has its importance in the Islamic art of ancient Al-Andalus. “Not just because a man from Jaén built the Alhambra”explains this professor, but because in Jaén there are the largest Arab baths in Spain “and perhaps one of the best preserved in Europe.”


Jaén, “at the top” of museums

The province of Jaén is not far behind in terms of museums either. Here is the only International Museum of Iberian Art, as well as the first and only museum of naive art in all of Spain. In addition, the largest painting in the country is also in Jaén, in the Mayte Spínola Museum in Marmolejo. All this without taking into account the authentic dinosaur footprint of Santisteban del Puerto or the mosaic of Cástulo, in Linares, an incomparable death of Ibero-Roman art. According to National Geographic magazine, it was one of the most important archaeological discoveries in the world in 2012.


The Renaissance in Jaén

Professor Lavinquehistoria explains that Jaén “has the largest number of Renaissance works in Spain”. Among them, the oldest cathedral in Andalusia stands out, Baeza. It is also worth highlighting the one in Jaén, which is the only cathedral in the world surrounded by balconies. In addition, this served as a base for the construction of other temples in Latin America.

And as if that were not enough, in Jaén it is also “the largest civil and private mausoleum in Spain”. Here is buried Francisco de los Cobos, who was Secretary of State of Emperor Charles V. We cannot forget Úbeda and Baeza, which are World Heritage cities.


The grandeur and beauty of the province of Jaén

The province of Jaén hides much more than olive trees. In fact, two of the most beautiful towns in Spain are located in Jaén and you can discover them here. Sabiote was also recognized in 2019 as “the most charming town in Andalusia”, explains this professor. That same year, Escañuela “received the award for the best city in Spain”.

The best-preserved Iberian burial chamber in the world or one of the few examples of Byzantine architecture in Spain, such as the crypt of the Baron of Velasco, are also in Jaén. Even the beaches. Although the province of Jaén does not have a natural outlet to the sea, It has many inland beaches. In fact, one of them was awarded the Blue Flag.

In addition, in Jaén there is the oldest tree in Europe, which has more than 2,000 yearsand the highest waterfall in all of Andalusia. It is also the place where the smallest Michelin-starred restaurant in the world is located. Jaén is the province of the city with the funny name and the one with the strange nicknames.


Jaén beyond the olive trees

You can’t ignore the sea ​​of ​​olive trees of Jaén and this province is the largest producer of olive oil in the world. But all that glitters is not liquid gold, since Jaén is also the largest producer of cherries in Andalusia.

Despite all the wonders that Jaén offers, this teacher is clear. “The best thing Jaén has is its people”explains the professor. In this sense, he confesses that “we are here to welcome you with open arms, to welcome you and give the best to all those who want to enjoy Jaén, an inner paradise,” he concludes.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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