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A cleaning lady is sentenced to three years in prison for defrauding an Alicante family of 37,900 euros

Three years and one day in prison for a continuing offence of fraudThis is the sentence established by the Provincial Court of Alicante against a 41-year-old domestic worker, who worked as a housekeeper for a family in Alicante, as reported by Efe Agency.

The court judges concluded that the accusations against the employee were true. He convinced his employer to lend him money by pretending he was suffering from health problems. for which his life was in danger and he needed to receive medical attention.

Thanks to this simulation, which she maintained on several occasions between 2012 and 2014, the convicted Colombian managed to convince the woman to lend her a total amount of 37,900 euros in deliveries or cash transfers on bank accounts which, in some cases, belonged to close friends.

In fact, the sentence, pronounced by a court of first section, condemns four of his acquaintances, including his partner and other relativesto nine-month prison sentences for each of them for the same offence of fraud, in their case not continued.

Apparently, the accused was hired as a domestic worker in May 2012 for the purpose of helping the injured woman take care of her husband, who was suffering from an illnessfor which he died in 2014.

The judgment considers it proven that the accused took advantage of “the relationship of trust that she established with the couple, who considered her as a member of the family, to convince them that she suffered from serious health problems for which “He had to be treated in private healthcare.”


She got them to lend her money directly “or through third parties,” arguing that she He could not afford the medical expenses “due to his precarious economic situation.”

In this way, at the beginning of 2013, he managed to obtain a loan of 1,700 euros, which he supposedly needed to carry out his own project. a breast prosthesis change in Colombia, since, as he claimed, he had suffered a crack in his implants and had a health problem.

Between March and April of the same year, he managed to obtain three sums of 1,000, 2,000 and 500 euros more than he owed. allocate to pay hospitalization costsand then convinced them to make more transfers.

The sentence also adds that in May 2014, “he made believe” that he was going to use the services of a a lawyer to claim your case “as medical negligence” and he asked his employer for more money again, promising that he would return the compensation upon receipt.

At that time, they agreed that this commitment would be expressed in a notarial deed of acknowledgement of debt which was signed on May 26, 2014 for an amount of 22,000 euros. The judicial resolution specifies that in this document it was established that the said sum had to be repaid within a period set for August 2, 2015.

The accused partially admitted the facts during the trialon March 26, claiming that he had received money from his employers to suffer from health problems, such as cracked implants. Regarding the notarial deed of acknowledgment of debt, he assured that he had not read its content and that he trusted what it said, and alleged that he had alcohol problems and debts for drugs and alcohol in Colombia, in addition to maintaining that he really did. suffer from kidney disease.

The court sees the crime of fraud demonstrated from the documentation collected on the transfers made and the identity of the accounts of their owners. Thus, it considers the defendant responsible for a continuing crime of fraud, aggravated by “an abuse of existing personal relationships with the victim”to which the mitigation of unjustified delays also applies.

In addition to the prison sentence, the penalty is the payment of a six-month fine with a daily allowance of six euros and compensation of 37,900 euros in a judgment subject to appeal before the Superior Court of Justice.




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