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“Their attitude generates tensions and divisions”

More than 70 “grassroots” PSOE-Aragon activists met this Thursday at the party’s regional headquarters in Zaragoza, as a sign of rejection of the statements of its Secretary General, Javier Lambán, against the amnesty and the Catalan quota. This is the formula they have chosen to show themselves a few months before the activation of the regional and provincial congresses, from which the successor of the former Aragonese president will emerge.

The meeting comes less than a week after Lambán sent a letter to the activist asking “making the debate compatible with unity” to “be able to compete successfully in the 2027 elections.”

Almost all of them were people “without organic or political positions.” Among the few familiar faces was Ana Fernandez, Minister of Social Services and Family under the government of Marcelino Iglesias.

“The attitude of our Secretary General is generating divisions and tensions. “What he says always makes headlines, but what I do doesn’t matter. There are people who are dissatisfied and divided,” one of the participants explained.

Paz Jiménez, from the San Braulio group, assured that many PSOE activists in Zaragoza feel “a bit of an orphan.” “The turnout was practically zero. What we want is to excite the PSOE bases so that the party becomes stronger and governs in Zaragoza, Aragon and Spain,” he said.

The first objective of the meeting was to inform on the “moments” that are opening for the Federal Congress. Although they assume that the provincial secretary, Juan Antonio Sánchez Quero, will be at the top of the list of delegates, they do not rule out that there could be “an alternative proposal.” The main problem is that to obtain it, “many guarantees” would be needed. “What we want above all is to encourage people to participate in all the processes that exist,” he stressed.

He also did not appreciate that Lambán was absent from the plenary session of the Senate this Wednesday for not voting for a PP initiative against the Catalan quota. “The last time we participated, it was precisely with the agreement of the government of Pedro Sánchez“We were consulted on the pact, which provided for amnesty. We essentially supported that position, and it seems to have been forgotten,” he added.

The future to be decided

For José Ángel Oliván, from the Oliver-Valdefierro group, the priority It is to see “whether or not there is room to propose alternatives” and analyze the situation in which the party finds itself in Aragon. “It is obvious that we are at the end of the cycle, and people who do not call us at all and are not part of any table have wanted to meet to discuss for a while. It may not be of any use, but at least we share what we think,” he commented.

As he pointed out, Thursday’s meeting has nothing to do with the division of the PSOE of Huesca and that of Zaragoza and Teruel. In this sense, Manuel Crespo, another of those present, was convinced that “Ultimately, there will be a consensus.” “We do not know who the next secretary general will be, but the PSOE has enough competent people,” he stressed.




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