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HomeEntertainment NewsInstitutional abuse, an unknown amplifier of poverty

Institutional abuse, an unknown amplifier of poverty

it’s a “terrible paradox” What ATD Fourth World highlights: millions of people are misunderstood and even pushed into poverty by organisations that should, however, help them, such as family benefit funds (CAF), France Travail, emergency housing services, social assistance for children… so it is time to say “Enough institutional abuse”the association urges in a report of the same name, made public on Thursday, September 19.

This document, based on testimonies from people living in poverty and professionals, raises awareness about a phenomenon that is still little known and little combated by public authorities. “We suffer institutional abuse without knowing it”says one of the report’s contributors, Pierre (an assumed name), contacted by phone.

This fifty-something, who lives in Flers, in the Orne, regrets the disappearance of the offices of the family benefit funds, which paid the majority of social benefits, in favour of dematerialised procedures. “although many people do not know how to turn on a computer”. You can go to a service house in France, which groups together several public services, but “It is a single room, with two employees and three computers, where there are always people: you have to decompress your life, and the people behind you can hear everything”. To receive the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) or housing assistance, for several years now, you must update your situation every three months, online: “If there is an error, you cannot correct it, just send an email. They are suspending payments while they respond. Whereas, in case of overpayment, we must refund them immediately. »

Read our survey | Article reserved for our subscribers. “I never knew the end of the story”: why CAF is a black box for its beneficiaries

“If we make mistakes, they think we are cheating.Pierre still regrets it. I was examined three times in one year: I was told that my name had been drawn by lot. These were his only encounters with CAF staff, although human contacts with France Travail, which replaced Pôle emploi, are also lacking: “The consultant changes very often and I am forced to take training courses that do not help me find a job. They are paid, but then you have to wait two or three months to receive the RSA again.” Pierre is suffering from the recent reform, which makes payment of the RSA conditional on about fifteen hours of weekly activity: “They ask us for free work, of general interest, like those who have done something stupid.”

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Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins
Anthony Robbins is a tech-savvy blogger and digital influencer known for breaking down complex technology trends and innovations into accessible insights.


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