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HomeLatest News56 percent of employees join ITV strike, according to Junta de Andalucía

56 percent of employees join ITV strike, according to Junta de Andalucía

The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines of the Government of Andalusia encrypted this Thursday by more than 56 percent (56.35%) the percentage of personnel control to the strike called by the UGT and CCOO unions of the ITV channels of the Autonomous Community.

In a note published by the Council, it is noted that 56.35% of the 1,237 employees who make up the effective workforce – excluding workers on justified absence due to vacation, sick leave or for their own business – of the public company. Industrial verifications of Andalucía SA (Veiasa), attached to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mines, supported the strike on this first day of protest.

Cadiz (73.86%) and Malaga (71.05%) were the provinces with the highest follow-up, contrasting with the 27.03% recorded in Granada. Cordoba (47.93%) and Seville (49.04%) are the other two provinces that remained below by 50 percent.

East the first of eight days of strike called by the General Union of Workers (UGT) and Workers’ Commissions (CCOO) in this last part of the month and which will be repeated this Friday 20, Saturday 21 then on September 23, 26, 27, 28 and 30.

THE The UGT and CCOO unions of Andalusia, for their part, estimate that 98% the level of surveillance, from the first day of the strike. The regional coordinator of the UGT of ITV Andalusia, Romualdo Barcala, highlighted a “massive surveillance” in all the stations. “We are very proud of our workers and we are going to achieve what we demand, which is nothing other than a decent agreement and up to the deadlines in which we find ourselves,” he stressed.

For his part, The Secretary General of the Industrial Federation CCOO of Andalusia, José Hurtadocongratulated the Veiasa workers on their first day of “massive” strike. “They have made it clear to the company and the Administration that the path they are following is not the most appropriate, that we must find common ground on the working conditions they are suffering today and that we must give in to this agreement,” he said. said.

This Thursday, in addition to organizing Information pickets throughout the working day where colleagues were informed of their right to strike, rallies were held in all provinces, from 11:00 to 14:00. Specifically, in Almería, ITV La Cepa; in Cádiz, ITV Jerez de la Frontera; in Córdoba, ITV Córdoba – Las Quemadas (Córdoba 2); in Granada, on ITV Peligros; in Huelva, ITV San Juan del Puerto; in Jaén, ITV Jaén; in Malaga, ITV Guadalhorce and in Seville, ITV El Pino.

Furthermore, for this Friday, the two unions They called a “large concentration” from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 front of the Veiasa headquarters, located in La Cartuja (Seville), where workers from all the ITV channels in Andalusia are called. The strike days called in full shifts are this Thursday and Friday, but also on September 21, 23, 26, 27, 28 and 30.

The UGT and CCOO unions of Andalusia have begun the mobilizations planned in the ITV channels throughout Andalusia, with the sole objective of achieving the signing of a IV collective agreement in accordance with the professional and social reality of civil servants in Andalusia.

Rescheduling appointments

For his part, Veiasa will reschedule cancelled appointments “as soon as possible” due to the strike called by the UGT and CCOO unions which began this Thursday.

For “minimize inconvenience to users“Veiasa has sent an appointment cancellation message to those who had closed it for this Thursday and will contact them subsequently to “reschedule their appointments as soon as possible with the aim of all cancelled MOTs being rescheduled as soon as possible,” the Board of Directors reported in a statement.

The General Directorate of Labor, Safety and Health at Work of the Ministry of Employment, Enterprise and Self-Employment has established the minimum services that 15% of the inspector staff and 45% of the administrative staffThis translates to one inspector and one administrator per team in a “universal” inspection line (all vehicles except motorcycles) at each ITV station.

By passing the technical inspection in these strike circumstances, vehicles which have provide ambulance or other health services; fire trucks, those assigned to the Corps and the security forces and those authorized to use public transport. Likewise, vehicles that must pass the inspection to verify the correction of defects detected in a previous inspection are given priority; and, finally, those whose periodic CT has expired or expires on the days of the strike and which have already been the subject of an appointment.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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