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Police pressure was ruining his business

An overnight delivery agreed yesterday morning ended with the Eight months of evasion from justice by Karim Baqqali, The most wanted man by the Civil Guard, the pilot of the drug boat that ran over and killed agents David Pérez Carracedo and Miguel Ángel González Gómez on February 9 in the port of Barbate (Cádiz).

Police pressure from the Central Operational Unit (UCO), in charge of investigations, was essential for this 32-year-old Moroccan to return from Morocco, where he was hiding shortly after carrying out the tragic and deadly attack. According to sources close to the investigation detailed to EL ESPAÑOL, the drug trafficker He arrived this morning from his native country, and was handed over to investigators at the barracks of the Barbate Armed Institute.

The UCO had located him in the commune of Dalía, in the region of Tangier, his hometown. There, according to the same sources, he kept a low profile at first, but it did not take long for him to begin living a completely normal life during those eight months on the run. Intelligence sources in the region attribute to this newspaper having seen him “daily” on the streets of that city, enjoying his freedom.

His capture had been a priority objective of the Interior Ministry since his escape. Morocco’s collaboration, investigators emphasize, was “absolute” in the operation that led to his arrest.

The elite unit of the Civil Guard was the “negotiating” party that finally managed to put an end to the escape and twisted the arm of the criminal organization to which this individual belongs. It was also in the interest of the clan put pressure on the driver so he agreed to surrender, in order to reduce tensions in the strait which were also not in his favour.

Karim El Baqqali, detained by the UCO.

Civil Guard

Pressure on the escapee

Morocco is a country that almost never hands over its nationals to countries that demand them for their crimes. One example among many is that of Abdellah El Haj Sadek El Menbri, known as the Messi of Hashish.

The monarchy of Mohammed VI has ignored constant requests in recent years to extradite this great man to Spain. hood, one of the people responsible for the peninsula becoming the gateway for this substance to Europe.

However, the murder of the two civil guards of Barbate opened an unknown horizon in a Strait of Gibraltar that has suffered for years from the activity of drug clans. Even for what had been seen on the spot, the shocking videos of the semi-rigid probably piloted by Karim passing over a small zodiac of the armed Institute, in the middle of a storm, meant crossing a line that had never been crossed before.

According to the same sources consulted, UCO pressure and the units dedicated to the investigation of drug traffickers and the Moroccan clan of the fugitive have been noted in recent months. Marlaska announced a notable reinforcement of the Andalusian commands to increase the pressure on drug trafficking.

The performances are multiplying. And the name of the clan to which the fugitive belongs has emerged.

The detainee is the nephew of a Moroccan hashish boss based on the Costa del Sol, who calls himself Abdellah El Merabet. Nicknamed the pus pusis the head of one of the main hashish trafficking organizations in the Strait of Gibraltar, from Morocco to Europe.

This organization, underline sources from the former OCON-Sur, the special group created to combat drug trafficking in the strait, has a large fleet of drug boats and semi-rigid boats like the one that ended the lives of the two agents that tragic night in February.

Until now he had remained in the shadows, in a discreet setting. The flight of a member of his immediate family took him out of the comfortable situation he enjoyed in anonymity.

Image from a video recorded from the Kiko El Cabra anti-drug boat, showing the alleged boat that ran over and killed the civil guards in Barbate.


A few weeks ago, The voice of Cadiz posted a picture of this individual enjoying a day on a boat with his friends on the coast between Tangier and Ceuta. For many, this was the straw that broke the camel’s back.

So much so that Karim even received clear threats from other colleagues dedicated to this shady business. He even suffered intense pressure from his own clan to surrender. Sources from the Armed Institute close to this individual’s background emphasize that these warnings should not have been minor. Karim is a very aggressive character. “Therefore,” they say, “there must have been “There was a lot of pressure on him to decide to return to Spain.”

Most wanted

Karim will be at the disposal of the Court of First Instance and Instruction number 1 of Barbate this Friday. In addition, the UCO has asked the investigating judge to issue three international arrest warrants against the other three occupants of the drug boat, as they are also convinced that they also fled Spain in the vicinity of the events.

The investigation took a complete turn last May, after the investigators’ report in which they acknowledged for the first time that Kiko The Goat and the rest of the persons detained in the first instance They didn’t kill the guards by running them over with their anti-drug boat.since they were not on board the boat that killed the agents.

Fragment of the expert report provided in the Barbate case. On the left, one of the analyzed videos of the attacks of that night, showing the drug boat with a single antenna that allegedly committed the events. On the right, a recording of the anti-drug boat El Cabra in which we can see that the boat has two antennas.


Using information obtained from the detainees’ terminal dumps, investigators located a three-minute and 33-second video recording. It showed the deadly attack and the attacks on the semi-rigid boat piloted by Karim El Baqqali. This recording was recorded from the boat The Goat.

“This video shows the sequence of movements performed by a different drug boat than the one in which José Antonio González Cazorla is located (The Goat) before, during and after of the carrying out of the fatal attack, which was filmed in the video recorded by the user of the terminal analyzed,” the UCO said.

Three precious months have been lost, but the evidence available to investigators, as well as the testimonies of those imprisoned so far, were fundamental. Those who were arrested without success in the first instance were the first to point out this individual in their statements. The Civil Guard will later verify the veracity of this testimony.

They were also the ones who put the judge on the trail of a boat seized in Huelva that could be the one piloted by the Moroccan drug trafficker on the night of the tragedy. As this newspaper announced, this boat presented identical features the one who killed the agents that night. Knowing this, Kiko’s defenses The Goat and the rest of those arrested as alleged perpetrators of the crime They asked that “this boat be compared”.

Now, the Civil Guard, after analyzing it, also believes that it is the boat piloted by Karim that tragic night in February.




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