Home Entertainment News Navarre undertakes improvements on the Way of Saint James for pilgrims: improved...

Navarre undertakes improvements on the Way of Saint James for pilgrims: improved sections

Navarre undertakes improvements on the Way of Saint James for pilgrims: improved sections

Navarra has already invested 4 of the 5.8 million euros allocated by European funds for the improvement of the Jacobean route, which continues to increase its influx and in turn slows down tourist activity, as evidenced by the fact that the Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles recorded 47% more entries than ‘in 2023.

According to data from tourism departmentthe Navarre route is mainly traveled by pilgrims of international origin, with a particular incidence coming from France, the United States, Korea, Italy and Germany; and with an almost similar presence of men and women: 53 and 47 percent, respectively.

Thus, the most emblematic monuments which require entry have recorded, so far this year, more visits than in 2019 or 2023. This is the case of Santa María de Eunatewith 16,570 visits until September, or 6.2% more than in 2023; the Collegiate Church of Roncesvalles, with 70,371 entries, or 47% more; or the Cathedral of Pamplona, ​​with 86,724 visits, or 19% more.

The French Way remains the most popular

Another indicator taken into account are the requests of pilgrims welcomed in the tourist offices of Navarre, which increased by 43% in the Roncesvalles Tourist Office32% in Pamplona or 36% in Estella. The same thing happens with Sangüesa and Valcarlos.

If they are analyzed the flow of people and bicycles at different places on the Caminoin each of them, the 2023 influx is exceeded. This is the case of Espinal, with 68,095 people; Puente la Reina, with 56,029; and Izco, with 5,012. Regarding visits so far this year in the Camino section of the official tourism website, they have increased by 23%.

We also note that the French way This is the most popular and busiest Jacobean route in Navarre; “although Baztanés, according to the data provided by the agents involved, is gaining popularity.”

A 5.8 million plan for improvements

These are data presented during a press conference, during which the Minister of Culture and Tourism, Rebecca Esnaolapresented the progress of the actions of the ‘ACD 5 Caminos’ plan, financed by Next Generation European Fundswith which actions have been undertaken to improve a route for the benefit of pilgrims, but also of the localities concerned, to which the influx generates income.

The Camino de Santiago is “one of our most precious cultural assets”, said after recalling that Navarra It has 5 Jacobean routes, recognized by the Ministry of Culture: the two branches of the French Way, the Baztán Way, the Ebro Way and the Sakana Way.

THE General Directorate of Tourism It has a plan endowed with 5.8 million euros, funded by the European Union, which seeks to create a greener and more sustainable route, more energy efficient, digitally advanced and more experiential, attractive, inclusive and accessible.

Among the actions that are developing In this plan, a call to improve energy efficiency and lighting of tourist and monumental heritage was highlighted and within the framework of which 1.2 million euros in aid have already been granted to local entities , with projects in Estella, Cirauqui, Tiebas-Muruarte de Reta, Puente la Reina, Burlada, Cortes, Zubiri City Hall, Viana, Villava, Los Arcos and Pamplona.

Another helpline is that intended for sustainable mobility and adaptation of shade and rest areas for pilgrims and citizens. Regarding this call, Rebeca Esnaola indicated that 997,981 euros have already been granted to projects of this type throughout Sakana, Cirauqui, Viana, Etxarri-Aranaz, Luzaide-Valcarlos, Estella, Zubiri, Zariquiegui and Galar, with intending to open this line again to meet more requests in 2025.

There are also various projects within technology, promotion and marketingamong which are the provision of Wi-Fi points to improve communication and security, flow sensors (which will quantify the influx and its temporal distribution, for better management), as well as an advanced system of data and big data management. data, making it easier to gain valuable insights into user behavior and habits.

They are also carried out various national and international advertising campaigns, in addition to on-site travel for the press and specialized operators.

Improvement of “blackheads”

For her part, the Director General of Tourism, Ana Rivas, explained the field work carried out to diagnose and identify possible black spots or deficiencies to be resolved within the infrastructure of the Camino de Santiago, which, in addition, represents one of the most important investment chapters of this project.

He the work identified 9 points where incidents or accidents have been detected, as well as floor covering or safety defects: the Zuriain section, the route from Alto de Erro to Zubiri; Maneru; some sections in Villamayor de Monjardín, Luquín and Iguzquiza; others in Ibargoiti, Monreal and Noain; the Zizur Mayor and Cizur Menor areas, the Guendulain Raft, the section of the Erro Valley trails and the Perdón descent.

At these pointsas detailed by Rivasimprovements to the signage have already been undertaken and other improvement works will also be carried out, all representing an investment of more than one million euros. Currently, work reports have already been prepared for the first 6 points, and an estimated budget for the remaining sections has been prepared.

This analytical work included collection of 7,600 pieces of infrastructure datawhich will allow the development of an interactive viewer making it possible to visualize all the information collected and whose development is already underway.


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