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HomeLatest NewsPP demands Armengol's resignation over Congress spending nearly 800,000 euros on translators

PP demands Armengol’s resignation over Congress spending nearly 800,000 euros on translators

The news published yesterday by ABC, which reflects the expenses related to the contracts of the co-official language translators in the Congress of Deputies, has led the Popular Party (PP) to They asked for resignation again of the socialist Francina Armengol, president of the Lower House.

The people were quick to react to this information. Miguel Tellado, spokesman for the PP in Congress, recalled yesterday, through his account X (formerly Twitter), that since their formation they will not stop “demand his resignation” because of the many controversies affecting the president.

Tellado’s attack on Armengol is not only due to the 780,546 euros that the 249 small translation service contracts cost since last September, but also to the way in which they were approved or validated. Each one was signed for a maximum amount of 14,999.99 euros, one cent less than the limit for having to submit them by public tender.

The PP spokesman also took the opportunity to complain: “docility and connivance» of Armengol with the independentists and with his party, which will need the support of ERC and Junts for the Balearic socialist to preside over the chamber. This “collusion” has given rise to controversial images in Congress, such as that of Vox MPs leave the Lower House during the premiere of the translation system or the decision of Junts to speak only in Catalan to the media, even if they do not have translators in the room.

Other controversies

This is not the only time that the people have demanded Armengol’s resignation. Since the formation, they have continued to denounce the involvement of the Speaker of the Lower House in the Koldo plot. “She is the Speaker of Congress only because of her involvement in the Koldo plot“, included the PP spokesman in his publication yesterday.

Tellado himself had already asked for Armengol’s resignation to Congress in March in a letter, explaining that she was not a “victim” but a “alleged necessary collaborator of this scam“.

Finally, the spokesperson accused Francina Armengol of having transformed “the camera into The Moncloa test bench” because of the numerous scandals that have involved the third authority of the State in just one year.


Maria Popova
Maria Popova
Maria Popova is the Author of Surprise Sports and author of Top Buzz Times. He checks all the world news content and crafts it to make it more digesting for the readers.


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